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By: Ravijinsharma | Posted: Sep 15, 2017 | General | 327 Views (Updated Sep 15, 2017)

Do we need to change our education system? In ancient times, students were sent to gain knowledge away from their houses to Gurus and their knowledge was based on real world and practical world. They were taught different subjects as per their interest and abilities not based on that other also doing this.

But now we see the education system especially we talk about India,it is getting worse.It is just limited to cram some big books to gain marks . Everyone want to make their children doctor or engineer . So parents pressurized children to work hard and keep them away from practical world.

No one want to know that what their children want to be? and what makes them exited and cheer? Parents don't let them express what they actual want to be. So without any direction they just blindly follow what is keeps going on and what are others doing? So as result they don't get satisfaction in what they doing and get stress, they start hating themselves and their life. This makes them less productive and less useful for country.

Now at perspective of parents there is lots of competition in outer world for a better life, so have feared with it, they don't want to take risk so they choose the way that is keep coming on and that everyone is doing . But actually by ignoring their child's wish and interest they already taking a big risk which can make life of their children like hell. So they just need to know what they want and in what their passion?

But on the other hand Our education system also need to be changed. With bookish knowledge they should give students practical and real world related knowledge . The best example for our country is Japan which has such a brilliant education system which is just based on the real practical world that's why we are so far from them in technology and development.

But the bad thing is that no one think about this, while it is so serious thing to develop a country. Everyone is just fighting for their caste, religion or for some people who make them manipulate recent examples are like babas, politicians, star actors which is rubbish.

BUT! Now no more, we will try hard and one day we'll do it change .

Tags :
towards, Saving, ourselves
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