Dr. S. M. Goel – the crusader
Is India going on the path of disintegration due to wrong & weak policies of Central Gov’t? In my view, it is yes. These shortsighted, vindictive, Corrupt, castiest & religious fanatics politicians & weak, inactive, inefficient Gov’t at center are creating such conditions. They are trying to break the unity of people, & hence the nation. There are large numbers of facts. But only few will be discussed starting from the recent one: -
1. Kashmir Legislature Assembly speaker admits plea for clemency for Afzal Guru. Is he not a criminal? Has he not challenged the integrity of the nation? Has he not availed all the facilities & channels to defend him? Yes! fault lies with Central Gov’t who took such a long time to decide upon his mercy appeal. This has given sufficient time for the evil forces to raise their ugly heads & to create chaos now. Mr. Omar who is occupying the highest seat in state should have tried to go tight on rightist path rather than to write tweet & pulling a plug off for the evil forces. What are the reasons for this clemency? Any one valid reason except that he represents one religion that has majority in that state. Does it mean religion is above the nation? A good chunk of people living there are having allegiance to other enemy country based upon religion & accommodate directly or indirectly the separatists & the terrorists. These very terrorists & Separatists have bleeding the people of J&K, ruining their families, killing their sons, daughters, gents & ladies. & thus draining the nation? Sorry state of affairs.
2. KILLERS OF RAJEEV GANDHI: - Tamilnadu Assembly has asked clemency for these criminals. Once again the same questions are valid. Only reason seems to be that they or their kith & kin are from the same state & some persons might be having soft corners for them. Once again the bigger part that the national interest is being subdued.
3. BHULLAR, BHINDERAWALE & BEANT SINGH: - One political party is trying to encash on them by inciting castiest & religious feelings. They are being projected as martyrs. Once again the National interest is being compromised.
Main reason is that everybody is playing the politics of Vote bank at the cost of Nation. Even Mamta has fallen into same category by abstaining from going to Bangladesh on Teeasta River. Be open. Discuss the Issues & once decided stick to the decision & educate the people. Like this there are so many issues. Central Gov’t by delaying the issues create ugly political atmosphere. Instead working as monolithically one block, they show a divided house at every stage. Reservations based upon religion & castes are also in the same category.
May God bless our Nation.
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Dr., s, m, goel, the, crusader