I am an individual. I am a person who makes mistakes, laughs, cries, hurts, smiles and loves. I am who I am through my joys, sorrows, heartbreaks, happiness and my loses. Each step in my life and each moment that goes by makes me up as an individual person. Every experience in my life good or bad, happy or sad makes me stronger.
Each passing moment is a new life experience for me and makes me grow into the person I want to be. Day by day, hour by hour I take a new step in my life, a step towards another, into a world full of knowledge. Knowledge is all around me, waiting for me to learn new things and process new information that will teach me through life.
I am a student throughout life, not just in the classroom.I am a person who makes many mistakes, but have the courtesy to learn from them and not make them twice. I am a person who laughs so hard that I have tears running down my cheeks. I am an emotion.
Everyone has sadness in their lives at times and we all deal with it differently. I am a person who excepts things as they happen and instead of dwelling on the pain it has caused I deal with it, learn from it and try and move on the best way I can.
If I spent all my days thinking about something that has made me sad I could miss the things that make me happy. Lose happens everyday in life and it happens for a reason. I believe life is changed not taken away. I am a person who believes life truly does go on and although it may feel like it stops for a little bit and we’ve hit the end of the road, we have to pick ourselves up and make a new road to follow. I am strong.
I love being me and the person I am. I am not perfect, and don’t try to be. I give to others and treat them the way I want to be treated. I go through life with an open mind and take things in as they happen. I am me and that all I can be.