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By: archeac | Posted: Jun 09, 2012 | General | 1419 Views

For a long time I thought about you. Your ways of treating your citizens and your citizens treating each other and your policies as well. In the end, I came to a conclusion, As much as I like you, I can't risk my future or my lineage's future in your hands. Why you may ask? I don't like your inequality, your prejudices, your arrogance, your tendency to be ignorant, your ego about a culture that doesn't exist anymore, your multiple complexes and phobias and many more.

Yes I am an NRI and I like it that way. Honestly I am glad I left you behind to start a new life in a different world where my race, religion and your branding of a "caste' on me doesn't matter. You did deprive me of a lot of rights for allegedly abandoning you but I would say you abandoned me from the beginning.

You abandoned me by branding me with a caste when I was born, you denied me my right to education and everything else based on my brand. I know you like to think of me as a different breed of cattle, but I wanted to feel like a human and that's why I left you for good.

Your inequality doesn't stop with just me. You treat your own "preferred" brand of people equally bad. Why did you write into your constitution to segregate your people like that? You let your people call your north eastern citizens "chinkis". If you hate them so much, why do still want their land? I assume you call them so because they look like chinese? then wouldn't they be better off with china? Why do you hate the Kashmiri citizens so much? don't you think they have the right to decide on which country they belong to when you declared them as "Indian"? You say you are "unity in diversity", all I see is diversity and hardly any unity.

Your culture is personally a laughable thing to me. The so called cultureless world seems to know the difference between good and bad, freedom and slavery better than you do. You still believe you have something of an awe inspiring culture in hierarchical divisions, forced marriages, inbreeding among brands (castes), intolerance and gender inequality. If that's what your culture can teach me when I grow up, I'll gladly have no culture than taught to believe women are maids and baby makers.

You are hanging on a thin line between intolerance and extremism now India and I am glad I am not part of you anymore. You really want to know where you are now? look around the world, listen to people who abandoned you and what other inferior cultureless nations think about you. You will know that you are only a little better than Saudi Arabia.

I might have kindled a lot of intolerance in you by now and you are probably yelling at me at the top of your lungs "you are not an Indian, if you are and think it is so bad, why don't you change things". Yes I am no more a full Indian as your bureaucrats like to say. If I try to tell you what I believe is bad, you would brand me as a traitor, you would find every reason no matter how trivial it is to discredit me. And I don't like to argue with you on anything that you willfully deny.

The End for now.

Tags :
my, pondering(s)
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