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By: harishgaur2001 | Posted: Sep 24, 2009 | General | 513 Views

From the last couple of years we have seen rapid progress in Science and technology, which is good sign of our growth, but due to this modernization we have seen lot many change in our films and TV serials, indoor and outdoor activities.

I was recollecting the days of my childhood of early 80s, when we used to watch Hindi films on fine Sunday evening after finishing all our home work with our colleagues in a Big shop outside our home in the evening. That was the time when there was no cable TV network and the only medium of information and entertainment was Doordarshan. Those were the days, when people having a TV set with motor bike are treated as the high-class of society.

My father was in RML Hospital, working as Sr. Technician, he was allotted a government flat at D-920, Netaji Nagar, New Delhi. We were quite happy when we shifted to this flat, being kids we were happier to learn that our neighbor is very sociable and has a television set. Our neighbor’s was Punjabi, Bhalla’s. We used to visit their flat on Sunday for watching the Hindi films. Aunty (neighbor’s), a kind hearted spiritual lady, was very fond of us, as whenever we visit them or while watching TV we sit in order, maintain calmness and not demanding any thing, while the other kids used to cry, make noises and mess. She always praised us amongst others and whenever we missed our Sunday visit she used to call us why we are not coming to watch film.

Those were nice days, when people like to celebrate their festivals with their neighbors; there was a true bond of friendly relationships amongst them. We celebrate holy, Deepawali, Id, Lohri, Janmastami and Christmas and children’s used to do lot of outdoor activity. Before the arrival of 15th August and 26th January, our Resident Welfare Association charted down a plan of activities to be conducted during these national festivals, debate, deshbhakti sangeet, drawing competition, 100 mtr. Race, small marathon, long jump, kabadi, kho-kho and our whole days was booked for this entertainment and social gathering; even our relatives were given a chance to watch this live program. This social gathering was so meaningful because there was a bonding that whenever our neighbour is having fever or any problem, so many people were ready to help him. The theft cases were very rare those days because of a social bonding of people. Our neighbour were ready to cry in our sorrow and heartily laugh on our happiness Even if a child get first division in his exams he was given sweet and other gifts for his academic achievement, the latest example was my elder brother got first division in his school in class Xth and our neibhour’s (Bhallas) they gave him a mini surgery box for Bio-practice, that box he kept for his sons, but neither of his two sons got the science stream.

We used to play hockey, football, basket ball, tennis, kabadi, Rassa pulling, gymnastic, yoga, etc. apart from cricket. But today’s children’s are interested only for cricket. They want to play a game which has least physical efforts to do.

After a few years, we had our own Black & White TV set (Beltek). Those were the times when TV serials and films were not only entertaining but also very informative. People used to watch cinema with their whole family on holidays or Sundays. Some of the well know Hindi films, wonderfully written, having powerful impact are: Mughle Ajam, Mother India, Do bhigha zameen, Tere Ghar Ke Samne, Awara, Anand, Amar Prem, Kucch Khatta aur Meetha, Golmal, Dhul ka Phool, Vande Matram, Pukar, etc.

Some popular entertaining and informative serial of those time were, Ramayana, Mahabharat, Hum Log, Rajni, Wah Janab, Karamchand, Vikram or Betal, Dada- Dadi ki Kahaniyan, etc.

Hindi Songs heartily sang by Mohd. Rafi, Mukesh, Kishore Kumar, Manade, Mahender kapoor, Yeshudas, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhoshle and many more too had a very powerful impact. Those were the time when people are not run for ads and money but for quality in their work. Their quality work is even relevant today.

Being a member of modernized society why should this tendency can not be followed today itself. I am passionate to make a film that give a true advice to our society, but alas! I am not a film Director or a financial wizard to fulfill this dream.

We have a very great culture and tradition, why not we should make some of the best known films and serials having no vulgarity and violence but give a true entertainment and advice to society…..Why not we make such impact films which whole members of family would love to see in a film theater. If we say today time does not permit us to do so then why do we forget the most successful blockbuster Hindi film of recent time of BR Chopra was BHAGBAN, having no vulgarity and violence was except

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