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By: Pujagarg200523 | Posted: Apr 17, 2013 | General | 299 Views

India is a developing country growing economically, politically, educationally, socially, technologically and spiritually. The urban metros have a fast moving lifestyle in all contexts, with an open mind. Small towns, villages and districts are still backward and slow in their lifestyle and thought processes. The changes coming are radical and a lot more needs to be improved. Socially, India is modern and equally orthodox. Big cities and metros find nuclear families, live-in relationships, single womanhood and divorces on a rise. People living in metros may be rich but some of them have poor thought process.

Watching Television Channel, Life OK’s serial, ‘Saavdhan India -100 Days 100 Fightbacks’, it was sad to know the plight of 80% widows in India, today. A Gujarati family living in Mumbai lost its only son in a train accident. He left his wife, mother, sister and a son behind. The mother-in-law and the sister-in-law of the widow wanted their daughter-in-law thrown out of the house. The widow leaves for a few days to Surat when her father falls ill. She leaves her son in Mumbai with her mother-in-law. Accusing the widow’s of killing her son, the cruel mother-in-law keeps her grandson with her and throws her from the house when she returns home. The widow is separated from her son, her only hope to live. The grandmother creates ill feelings in her grandson’s mind and heart for his mother, who never wishes to meet or talk to her.

The widow begins a legal battle to win back her son. She waits patiently and emotionally for 11-12 years for her son. The boy is 16-years old now. When Media exposes the case of the widow, her son understands the reality. He opposes and accuses his grandmother and goes back to his mother, apologetically. The long fightback of the widow who was innocent and honest gave her success. She finally had her son in her arms. The grandmother was left all alone in her house.

Depriving a mother of her child either widowed or otherwise, is a crime which God can never forgive. Those who do this are criminals and time will make them suffer for their deeds. Nature and God’s wish when destroyed will bring havoc to all who torture mothers by separating them from their child.

India has to go far ahead and continue fighting such social crimes. Women who are the main victims should be strong and never give up against such crimes committed against them.

Tags :
India, widows
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