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By: WriterNeha | Posted: Oct 31, 2016 | General | 623 Views

When it comes to technology, we Indians have progressed so much.but what about our domestic lives? Do we know that in India Wives and Mothers are used as a punching Bag who can be used anywhere by any member of the family to vent out their frustrations.Do we really understand worth of a Wife or a Mother of the family? I don't think so!

Why are rules different for a working wife and a working husband? If a husband expects that he should be given a glass of water as soon as he enters home, then why can't same behavior be displayed towards wife.After shopping, If the entire family is tired and gone to their bedrooms for watching TV or other leisure activities, Then Why has the mother entered in the kitchen to feed the family?Why can't family decide that after coming back home, everyone would do something or the other to help mother cook dinner. And apart of doing all this for all the family members, she is used by her husband for a vent out of his Office Frustrations or any other frustration if he has any!She is not respected by the teenagers of the family, They are not ready to listen to her.

My question to everyone is.What does a Mother or a Wife Owe To You? Why should she be submissive to all the demands and become your punching bag all the time. What about her own frustrations? Its high time that we start giving a thought to this subject. She is not a punching bag, Dont treat her like one!1

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