Sample draft of a WILL - -: LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT :- I, _______________________, a Hindu, Adult, aged ____ years, Indian Inhabitant, residing at ___________________________________________________, do hereby revoke all my WILLS, Codicils and Testamentary Depositions made by me hitherto fore and declare this to be as my Last Will and Testament. 1. I am married to ________, my parents ___________ have expired long back. I have ______________________________________ (children) 2. I am working at ________________. 3. I am the owner of the premises viz. ________________________________________________. The same is self acquired premises. 4. I devise and bequeath the said premises of mine viz. ___________________________________________ to _________________________ who shall hold the same as absolute owner thereof. (In case of beneficiary is minor – name of guardian to be incorporated till beneficiary becomes major) 5. I own the following moveable properties :- (i) A/c. No. __________________ with (Bank & Address). Jointly with _______________ and nominee being __________________________. (ii) Fixed Deposit Recpt (Details) (iii) Investments (listing with name of joint holders. For shares demat details need to be indicated) (iv) I own certain gold ornaments – such as. 6. I devise and bequeath the amounts of :- 7. However if ________________ (beneficiary ) predeceases me, then whatever I have bequeathed to him/her shall stand bequeathed to _______________ 8. whatever else do I possess now or at the time of my death is also devised and bequeathed by me to _____________________________________________ However, if he/she predeceases me then whatever I have devised and bequeathed to him/her shall go to ______________________ 9. I do hereby appoint _________________________ as my Executor of this Last Will and Testament. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have set my hands hereto on this ______ day of _______________, 2006. SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED ) as her Last Will and Testament by ) the withinnamed _______________ ) ______________, in the presence ) of us who have attested hereto in her ) presence and in the presence of each ) other ) Witnesses : 1) Signature with Name and Address : 2) Signature with Name and Address : DISCLAIMER : All of the above is not to be construed as legal advise nor the last word and only personal observations and opinion. One should take legal advise and engage services of some legal practitioner.