The R15ver2.0
fall in love wid d looks n improved handling....uff she z vry vry sexxy alzo ....The new R15 ver2.0 z a vry nice 150cc bike .....( ..abi..cntrol urself..)
The one and only prblm abt d new R15 is abt itz power....stil it needs more power,yet..wrkz more dan a 150cc motor
seating position z more sporty nw...d new position and wide rear rubber giving more grip n attaking cnfidnz.
In R15 ver 2.0 yamaha have dne sm changz in d clutch,dat z vry effective....feel more poWeR in d hand...feelz a quick responZ in lowr RPM..
New ECU mapping n new Thrittle body keepz d 6kg more machine's accelration unchangEd.
Twin horn giving more strnEgth to d ridrz,
Bt fiber quality z a lil poor as cmprd to d 1st Gen(if it may b d clr change), alzo yamaha used vry hard matrilz in d SPORTY may damaged d BOYS BUTT(vry gd fr thoz who hve a n IRON BUTT lol...:P).....
Pillion seat position z very it vry mch....pillion can C evrything as like a ship NAVIGATOR.....(PILLION, plz b seated at ur own risk....lolz)
spcl desinged MRF zapper givez vry gd grip on both muddy and wet surface...while brking it produz a creeping noise (i like it)......
d new 47theethed outer sproket, all aluminium swing aram, rear fender....every thing z nice......
good work yamaha..