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Member Since:Oct 26, 2018
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Review of the Day (1)
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Fight Bitbns Scam
Reviewed Bitbns
This is to bring your kind attention to the financial irregularities reported in the organization named BITBNS(a Cryptocurrency exchange). I am one of the uRead more...
Prudent Equity Review
Reviewed Prudent Equity
I was Prudent Equity(PE) subscriber for around three years so I can tell you about Prudent Equity. I bought his membership seeing the online reviews and imprRead more...
CC Fraud
Reviewed Country Vacations - Bangalore
They are completely fraud and zero human values. I never saw anyone so degraded like before. Like most members here they cheated me also on August 3rd, 2018. Read more...
CC Scam
Reviewed Country Club Amrutha Castle - Hyderabad
On August 3rd, 2018, I attended a presentation made by Country club representatives, named Dharshan, Muneer and RajaShekar at Café Coffee Day, JP Nagar, BangaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on akashkedia4u's review
Rated on duggal.atul's review
Commented on own review
Nonsense PE. What resolution did you offer ? Were you even honest enough to show all the losses on your website when you closed positions in the sections other than SR ?
I came back here after a long time and could not help but wonder to see how the ratings of PE improved. I guess it is a bull market wonder , less to do with PE. Everything has gone up. In anyway , it is good for everyone.
Rated on rajilalnair's review
Commented on voyager88's review
100% true. Dont lose your hard earned money on that.
Rated on voyager88's review
Rated on gattunand's review
Commented on siyer's review
Yes, this guy is worst. And he has a whole team to flag online genuine reviews. They keep on flagging reviews that goes against them and also keep posting good reviews for him. So pathetic , coward and cheater.
Commented on anjansy8530's review
I have been Prudent Equity subscriber for last two terms. I bought his membership seeing the online reviews and impressive track record on PE website. I have lost heavily because of PE poor recommendations, immaturity, arrogance and dishonesty. The biggest issue is that they are dishonest. If you g Read More...
Commented on akhan8828's review
Commented on shobhitsahu's review
Rated on siyer's review
Commented on saketdestiny's review
Rated on saketdestiny's review
Commented on sanchikamal98's review
You can contact Mass India NGO Karnataka president Mr. Gopal Koteyar( 9741180793 / 998002xxxx) if in Karnataka and Mr. Shibu George( 986983xxxx) for the rest of the parts in country. They are fighting with CC since long time. I and many other people got money back through Mr. Koteyar and Mr. Shibu h Read More...
Commented on LavanyaKarthigeyan's review
I see they have posted many fake reviews here now to dupe more people. Pity that all the people who got cheated do not take efforts to post their reviews here to help others to save from their traps.
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Traceyyy Addair (@traceyMouthShut Verified Member)
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Vicky shah (@shahujjvalMouthShut Verified Member)
Sudhish Nair (@nairsudhish7MouthShut Verified Member)
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U Prashanth Nayak (@EarnesTasterMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rashmi Sm (@rashmicroreMouthShut Verified Member)
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Sameer Verma (@sameervermaytMouthShut Verified Member)
Devi Mounika (@mounikadevi765MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pranchal Thakur (@pranchaldigital005MouthShut Verified Member)
Sara (@sarruu0332MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ownergy Co (@Digital_ReviewerMouthShut Verified Member)
Vikrant Acharya (@Livspace_officialMouthShut Verified Member)
Shilpa Gupta (@shilpagupta6798MouthShut Verified Member)
MouthShut.com (@MouthShut_OfficialMouthShut Verified Member)
Md Amir (@mdamir960645MouthShut Verified Member)
aastha702 (@aastha702MouthShut Verified Member)
Vaibhav Vaishal (@vaibhavvaishalMouthShut Verified Member)
himanshu dhar (@himanshu.dhar1984MouthShut Verified Member)
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Vikash Choudhary (@XVickYMouthShut Verified Member)
Ali Ahmed (@moibm223MouthShut Verified Member)
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
Debasish Halder (@debasishalderMouthShut Verified Member)
Oommen715 (@Oommen715MouthShut Verified Member)
Nishant0001 (@Nishant0001MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 24