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Member Since:Jun 05, 2009
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Tikona - worst service provider and cheater
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
They provide worst service and charge customers for that.There is no option to get your money back if you paid in advance if you do not like Tikona services. Read more...
- worst service provider and cheater
Reviewed ABC Broadband
They provide worst service and charge customers for that.There is no option to get your money back if you paid in advance if you do not like ABC Broadband serRead more...
Reviewed Panasonic TX-32LX500 Vier
Do not buy Panasonic LCD. They are selling defective products in the market. My Panasonic LCD (viera) panel stopped working after 18 months. They will not repRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on gautam_kardam's review
Panasonic brand is extremely bad overall. I had a similar experience with Panasonic LCD. Read my review posted on mouthshut.com about Panasonic LCD. My advice to people, that they should write their own true experience with any bad brands on mouthshut.com, so that other consumers will not suffe Read More...
Rated on gautam_kardam's review
Rated on agupta0's review
Commented on agupta0's review
Panasonic is using a cheap LCD panel and it will give you problem very soon. if it works for you that means you are really lucky.
Rated on girishhodlur's review
Commented on girishhodlur's review
You will realize the quality of PANASONIC very soon once your LCD panel stop working.
Commented on Bhasker674's review
Do not doubt this review guys. Even I am also facing the same issue with the panel. the panel is not displaying the pictures properly and is almost not viewable. And after the complaint the PANASONIC asked me to pay 55K for repairing and then they came down to 32K. Why should I invest that much mone Read More...
Rated on Bhasker674's review
Commented on pradeep83's review
I will say Do not buy Panasonic LCD. My Panasonic 32 LCD ( viera) panel stopped working after 18 months. Panasonic Service engineer told that there is a problem in the panel and gave me an estimate of 50-55K for the panel. I have written a mail to the customer care but did not any response till now. Read More...
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