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Member Since:Oct 09, 2016
140 MS Points
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Not good at all
Reviewed Voltas P28M Air Cooler
I have used this cooler. These type of coolers are not supposed to be to very efficient as compared to those other metal coolers, but what they ar esupposed tRead more...
Stunning visuals, that's about it
Reviewed Shivaay
The action sequences of this movie are pretty great very few bollywood movies can match the level of action shown is this movie. The cinematographhy is beautiRead more...
It's cheap for a reason
Reviewed Adata HV610 1 TB
I have had a very bad experience withis hard disk drive. I bought this as it was cheaper rthan other drives. But it turned out to be a huge mistake, the speeRead more...
It was once great
Reviewed Sony Playstation 1
Back in the day, the playstation one was groundbreaking, it was way ahead of its time .but my low ratings are based on todays impressions as now its anRead more...
Great console but for how long?
Reviewed Sony Playstation 4
Well don not get me wrong. I love the playstation four. It has top notch hardware, great gamesamazing graphics, etc. But the biggest cavuote as always has beeRead more...
Outdated before you know it
Reviewed Sony Playstation 2
It is anever ending ending battle between the playstation and the xbox while the playstation has better hardware and better games, I mean who can beat god of Read more...
Best sitcom of all time
Reviewed Friends
Amazing just amazing is this sitcom from the 90s. I had watched almost all popular sitcoms before I started watching friends, so my expectations were pretty bRead more...
Good only in terms of coverage
Reviewed MTNL Broadband
Well if you are thinking of getting a new broadband connection. Before selecting any ISP you need to check whether they have cables in your area. So mtnl connRead more...
Simply the Best Romantic Comedy to Watch
Reviewed How I met Your Mother
Back in the day when I wanted to start watching english shows or seasons, I didnt want to anything too extreme or complicated so I chose to start with a sitcoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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