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Member Since:Jan 18, 2016
567 MS Points
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Maan kiya Book kiya
Reviewed Bookmyshow
This site truly stands for its state ment MAAN KIY BOOK KIYAÂ Â because it always save me time since I using this I never stand in long ques to buy tickets and Read more...
Always enjoyable read dan brown books
Reviewed Inferno - Dan Brown
This is my 3rd dan brown books although I am not bog dan brown fan but I like to read his books because they are full of adventure & true facts and robert lanRead more...
Make you phone scan machine
Reviewed CamScanner
This app truly turn your smart phone into scan machine and save you lots of money it works up to its name fully although it dosent provide quality like scanneRead more...
Having BIG in name dosen't make u BIG
Reviewed Big TV
When I got big tv installed all the subscription plans are very cheap but with in few months they hiked the rates and more over not provide most of the channeRead more...
Best of all
Reviewed WhatsApp
I have been using this app since I switched to smart phones and since then it is my favorite app and very very useful because it saves me lots of time and monRead more...
Best movies to watch on 26 january
Reviewed Airlift
This is the best movie to watch on 26th Jan on republic day this movies is so good that it ignites some patriotism out of you . Although it is only one time Read more...
Best bike for milage lover
Reviewed Bajaj Platina 100
As I am using this bike for last four years and in all these years this bike ran 60000 km and it still running good this bike is doing well as far as mileage Read more...
Cheapest network in all
Reviewed Aircel Mobile Operator
Aircel is the  cheapest network existing in india first it is distributed all over india and second its rate cutters you  can enjoy long hours of chatting oRead more...
Best for book readers
Reviewed Kindle Paperwhite 3G
It is a amazing gadget that every one should have in there collection . Although I own a all the kindle which is not different from this one both are same in Read more...
Mi band amazing band
Reviewed Mi Band
It is good fitness band but top of all it is the cheapest band in its line only 999 bucks its amazing for fitness band thats whay I brought 2 one for me and oRead more...
Best budget trimmer
Reviewed Philips QT4011/15 Pro Skin Advance Trimmer
I have been using this trimmer for last one year and it is the bets trimmer I I have used till now even before this trimmer I used many others trimmers but noRead more...
Only name else nothing in the name of gym
Reviewed Golds Gym - Raj Nagar - Ghaziabad
I m a gym freak and to workout in best gym near by my place so I went to golds gym that was newly opened at that time and pay 17000 rupees for anually membersRead more...
Good phone in the budget line
Reviewed Moto G (Second Generation)
As I m using moto g and pretty impressed by that so I decided to buy moto g(second generation) for my brother and thinking lot about it I purchased it lastly Read more...
Good but not better
Reviewed Wazir
As my friends insist me to go for this movie and I got all positive reviews from lot of people who been for this movie so I went for this and found it interesRead more...
Beast (Moto G) in its category
Reviewed Motorola Moto G
I am not a big fan of Motorola but become after purchasing this small beast as I came through to its specifications I decided to buy this phone . the most fasRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on shagorbiswas's review
Commented on ganpatmishra's review
Afordable and durable
Rated on ganpatmishra's review
Commented on vikrantambekar100's review
Not good device
Rated on vikrantambekar100's review
Commented on pankajparihar08's review
Bakwas hcl consols are not good
Rated on pankajparihar08's review
Commented on ShaDoW07's review
Just play and play and play
Rated on ShaDoW07's review
Commented on ashworld1's review
Just hack it and play hard
Rated on ashworld1's review
Commented on shreekrishangaush's review
Old one is muvh better
Rated on shreekrishangaush's review
Commented on uvaraj_s's review
Old one is much better than this
Rated on uvaraj_s's review
Commented on rajyadav0314's review
Just saw waiting to lay my hands on
Commented on kavivijay's review
Old but worth as gold superb milage and performance ratio
Rated on kavivijay's review
Commented on anishmelvin097's review
If you have money go for it
Rated on anishmelvin097's review
knife knife (@hkhatri50MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 81
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Akash choudhary (@akashbossMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 2
Rishabh singh (@rishabsingh29MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 0
Himanshu (@himanshugautam1993MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 16
Prateek Giri (@prateekgiri02MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 96
manish mehrotra (@manishrvceMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 108
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Swapnil Shinde (@Lodha_GroupMouthShut Verified Member)
Raja Rathinam Godspeed (@rajachikkiMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 1
Harkamal Singh Sidhu (@hny302MouthShut Verified Member)
Vasu_Aggarwal (@Vasu_AggarwalMouthShut Verified Member)
Rayan_Johnson (@rayan_johnson880MouthShut Verified Member)
Rajiv E (@rajiv22MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 516
kunalsingh33 (@kunalsingh33MouthShut Verified Member)
Nandni Kumari (@nandnikumari12372MouthShut Verified Member)
Satish A (@iamSatishMouthShut Verified Member)
chelsie (@Gajra_Hans228MouthShut Verified Member)
Kakinada Srinivasa Rao (@srinukakinada93MouthShut Verified Member)
Pragnesh Patel (@pragneshpatel19292MouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
Pranchal Thakur (@pranchaldigital005MouthShut Verified Member)
Anjali Shandilya (@DS_MAXMouthShut Verified Member)
AyÅŸe Kuzucu (@aysekuzucu74MouthShut Verified Member)
mahra17 Shaikh (@mahra17MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 80
Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12