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Member Since:Mar 11, 2016
244 MS Points
Hii I am avinash . I am a student.
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Nice phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2
I have buy this phone before 4 months and it is nice phone. I have buy this phone in 8000rs. It has a latest version 5.1.1 lollipop. Camera quality also beRead more...
Best serial
Reviewed Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah
I watch this tarak mehata ka ulta chashma serial every day. And I like this serial very much. This is a one of the best serial on sub tv. Every one like thisRead more...
Best bike
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTSi
Hii I have bajaj pulsar 150 bike. And this is best bike. My father had buy this bike in 2007 and in this time also its condition is best. Our bike is 9 yearRead more...
Not good movie
Reviewed Mastizaade
I wachted this movie . I dont like this movie. It is nat a good for small kids. And we cant stop them to watch this movie. There are double minnRead more...
Bad fan
Reviewed Orient 400 mm 47 3 Blade Wall Fan
Hii I am using this orient wall fan and it is not well. It is very bad fan. I was buy this fan 1years ago. After 6 months it didnt working well. I called toRead more...
Bad TV
Reviewed Samsung LED
Hii, I am using samsung led tv . I am getting bad service from this tv. I am faccing from its problem from only 10 months after I am buy it. It stop betweeRead more...
Best online shopping app
Reviewed Flipkart
Hii friends Flipcart is one of the best online shopping app. You can shop everything on this flipcart. I bay one watch from this app. I got at my price ItRead more...
Best shopping app
Reviewed Amazon
It is one of the best shopping app. I buy tp-link rauter of two antinas from amozon. I got it in minimum price rate. My rauter is working nice and not any pRead more...
Comedy movie
Reviewed Mr Bean
It is comedy movie . the character of mr bean is best actor.not only childrens but adults and old peoples also watch this movie on that time on pogo. I also Read more...
Nice product
Reviewed Herbalife - Vile Parle - Mumbai
Herbalife is best product now a days. Pepoples which are suffring from high weight And they want to loss weight so try this product After tried this producRead more...
Best phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Grand 2
Best phone I am using this phone.It is one of the best phone. 8 GB intenal space is in it It works fast. Battery is great. You can eassily access it for 1Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
Hii Yes this is best. Thank you
Yes this tv is not good
Yes amazon is best online shopping app And safe shopping app It gives us warrenty for every product Buy from amazon.
Commented on miteshawasthi786's review
Nice phone thanks for suggest
Rated on asdcvnsdvn's review
Yes its best movie everyone have to watch
Thanks for apritiat
Rated on sidhu879's review
Commented on sidhu879's review
Nice review , best
Rauf25 dear its depend on you that how do you use your device It gives best battry backup
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