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uttar pardesh
Member Since:May 28, 2017
220 MS Points
A person with full of dream eyes along with family responsblity
About Me
Education: graduate from dehli university
Food and Drinks: biryaniMovie Stars: tom hankMovies: notebookMusic: rahat fateh
Food and Drinks: biryani
Movie Stars: tom hank
Movies: notebook
Music: rahat fateh
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Totally disappointment -cheap quality
Reviewed Patanjali Atta Noodles
I am a noodles lover I have aprox all kind of brands noodle but when I taste patanjli atta noodles its totally disappointment me . As I have exprience they dRead more...
Pathetic - waste of money
Reviewed Patanjali Amla Juice
I bought this patanjali Amla juice last week from an patanjli store . Because some of my colleague due to some shortage of vitamins and hair problems. But thRead more...
Ohh i love the choco fills
Reviewed Sunfeast Dark Fantasy
Most of the time I buy this and trust me every time I enjoy. What I like about sunfest dark fantasy is their choco fills inside and the crunchiness of upper Read more...
Best platform for booking movie tickets from home
Reviewed Bookmyshow
I am a 2 year old user of bookmyshow.com. So I have much aware about this site . So many times I book tickets . Best thing is customer service you can choosRead more...
Completed 1.5 year and still work fine without an
Reviewed Luminous Inverter and UPS
I purchased an inverter from luminous in january 2016 just because of too much shortage of electricity. So that I did not know about inverter companies and thRead more...
Niether so bad nor so good
Reviewed STAR Health Insurance
I have worked 6 month in policybazar.com as health insurance adviser . so I know about a lot of companies who provides health insurance. Star health insurancRead more...
Stucks everytime bad experience - useless
Reviewed Usha 55 Litre Honeywell CL 601PM Air Cooler
I bought this in april 2017 for summer of this year, first few week it was running good but in the may we suffered some kind of problem like suddenly stuck beRead more...
TVS jupiter my favrate one just perfect
Reviewed TVS Jupiter 110
TVS jupiter one of the most adorable scooty in india so many  variaty in colour and features is almost excellant in every single way. jupiter gaves satisfiingRead more...
The best way to find your kind of job
Reviewed Naukri.com
I have register on it around 2 year ago when I completed my graduation that time due to some consequences I was looking a job so badly so I contacs some of myRead more...
Good bike for family- great mileage
Reviewed Honda Activa 4G 2017
The Honda activa 4G is the latest model of most popular automatic scooter in India. it is really good for a family. especially the mileage is so satisfying rRead more...
Awesome-really love this one-worthy buy
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi 4A
I really love this smartphone at my price. the handset is very lightweight and is filled with features that are very hard to find at this cost. I have order Read more...
Value for money go for it
Reviewed Lenovo G50-80 Notebook
After my exprince in simple way if you are looking a laptop under 45k then go for itlenovoG50-80 Notebook. it comes with an Intel 5th Gen, processor and withRead more...
Current running fashionable 100% orignal product
Reviewed Abof
I was looking few trendy T-shirt in 100% cotton for summer so I visited diffrent diffrent place on net and some very famous shopping websites but there was liRead more...
Such a Perfect laptop for Daily use
Reviewed Dell Inspiron 15
I am using Dell inspron 15 last 8 month it helps me so much without giving any trouble every part and software, and the battry backup is also satisfying. norRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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