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Member Since:May 27, 2009
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Reviewed Panasonic TX-32LX500 Vier
Do not buy Panasonic LCD. They have a cheap panel from a south korean mfgt. My Panasonic 42 inch LCD ( viera) panel stopped working after 24 months. They willRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on girishhodlur's review
Commented on girishhodlur's review
Do not go for this guys. Panasonic and their Wake UP pimp ( Ranbir Kapoor) are promoting and selling junk. My 32 Panasonic LCD had to be scrapped and thrown after 18 months and I had to buy a new LCD. Never again Panasonic. This has been a very common problem with Panasonic LCD.
Commented on own review
An Update: I junked this piece of worthless LCD, and bought an LG 32 inch TV with a 3 year warranty. PANASONIC and their worthless pimp ( read Ranbir Kapoor) can go to hell. WAKE UP ASSHOLES form PANASONIC)
The technician told me that he has been called to several panasonic customers with similiar complains. Obviously he did not enumerate, but it is enough. There are so many other good brands. No need to buy such junk
The screen shows bizzare colours and is persistant. The company technician has confirmed that the LCD panel has gone and has to be replaced. and the cost is as much as a new LCD. Really sad and pathetic
Commented on hvnk's review
Do not buy Panasonic LCD. They have a cheap panel from a south korean mfgt. My Panasonic 32 LCD ( viera) panel stopped working after 15 months. I now have to spend another 40K for another LCD. Never buy any Panasonic product ever.
Commented on joshijoshi_naresh's review
Commented on shajufx's review
Commented on pradeep83's review
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