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Member Since:Sep 03, 2006
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About Me
Education: MBA
Food and Drinks: Biryani & CokeBooks: Sherlock HolmesMovie Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery,AamirMovies: Bond MoviesMusic: Western Classical , RafiQuotes: Live and Love Life King Size. Love & Respect Everyone
Food and Drinks: Biryani & Coke
Books: Sherlock Holmes
Movie Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Sean Connery,Aamir
Movies: Bond Movies
Music: Western Classical , Rafi
Quotes: Live and Love Life King Size. Love & Respect Everyone
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LG Steam Washer Dryer Combo
Reviewed LG F 1403RDS29 Washer Dryer Combos
Waited for the last breath of our good old Whirlpool 5.5 kg Europa Classic - Front Loading . This gentle machine gave us service for 10 years. No major complaRead more...
Super Side By Side
Reviewed LG GR-L 207 DBZ Refrigerator
We had been using a 200 lts fridge for a pretty long time. Though it had it limitations in space , gave splendid service for the value of money . As my familyRead more...
LG - Dishwasher
Reviewed Choosing a Dishwasher
While taking cues from Mouthshut to buy a Dishwasher , we recently bought one from LG. Others I evaluated were IFB and Siemens. LG has introduced three modRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
@Swaps27 - Maam' i agree it is no more a cheaper item for LG . No reason for explaining the steep pricing. I suggest you can also look at Bosch , where they are pricing at @ 32k. Pretty similar features and their service is good. http://www.bosch-home.com/in/products/dishwashers/dishwashers.html I Read More...
@ Kingconsumer09 - I have purchased these products after thorough evaluation and feedback from across my friends and relatives , who stay in around the globe. The money spent is hard earned , perhaps for the same reason the products brought from LG reflect that . All the white goods are capital inte Read More...
@dmohanty - The product is absolutely functioning fine and doing its duty dilligently. And i seeing the mindset of lot my neighbours changing. They were initially curious and then go undecided. Now they are ready to invest in this and move on . It is not a easy job to wash utensils and maids don't l Read More...
@ Sulakshna -- You get finish products in SPAR Super Markets, HYPERCITY - Brookefields, Food World and MK Ahmed's all around the city . You get the whole range , ( Salt, Liquids and Washing Powder & Tablets) . Any other cheaper detergents and salts , affected the glasswares and left marks on them , Read More...
@baabi . Lg service so far is the best I have experienced . Until now no trouble by the machine. Running absolutely fine. Though convincing the old generation in india is tough. I use Finnish products by Reckitt.
@kudresom - Maam' the 8kg/4kg is ideal . You should go ahead with it. It is a complete 100% Drier along with the washer. Just a wise advice , that you should wash upto 6kg of Dry Clothes max and not 8kg. Inside the drum , you need space for the clothes to lift and drop. This way you get a better was Read More...
@psagrawal5 - Unless Steam is must have requirement , then the 8kg Wash and 4Kg Dryer is ideal one.
@ newtvontheway - Yes it is a 100% Dryer with Washer. You can run it as a separate Dry Cycle and also combine. Drying Capacity is 5KG .
To Supercool30mom and Shakrit - Sorry for replying so late to your comments. The Hard water is taken care by the salination plant internally in the machine. I paid around Rs 29000 from the showroom price of RS 32500. Bought it from the LG showroom located in the inner ring road circle , koramangala. Read More...
It does start where it stopped during the power failure , notably due the timer indicates the remaining completion time. Bangalore is notorious for freqent powercuts. However we have plugged on a stabilizer to take care of voltage fluctuation.
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