How to choose what books you read ?

Updated on : Oct 25, 2023 2:55 PM
How to choose what books you read ?


John Green has described books in a perfect way “Great books help you understand and they help you feel understood”. A book is a treasure trove of knowledge.

Books have been a source of knowledge for many centuries. There is atleast one book written on every single topic under the sun. Books are not only written to educate, they are written for leisure and even for the metamorphosis of the soul.

There are a hundred categories to choose from when it comes to books.  Some contain pictures for toddlers, some are written for slightly older children, some for teenagers, some for the young-adult, some for adults and some for senior citizens. People of any and every age group will have atleast a hundred books to read.

With the advent of technology, even books got a massive makeover. In a well-stocked bookstore, you may find pop up books, books with lights and even books that change colour under the light. These books are mainly for children.

To make things more tech- friendly, books have been converted to e-books. You can download an e-book on your phone or laptop, or even buy it from App store and Play Store. There is even a dedicated gadget designed to read books called Kindle.

Whatever form of book you may choose, it is guaranteed that when you finish reading it you will know a little more about something than you did before. A book always leaves you with something to ponder on.