I want to save all my fellow software engrs and buyers. I strongly recommend not to buy any flat from these builders. It seems this builder started new projects in new BEL road and in electronic city road. Now they are going to sell those flats. Please do not buy any flat.
They are constructing the apartment in Mahadevapura named Elil Abode from Last 4 yrs. It is still going-on. And builder escaped without completing the project. Now the Land-owners who is having almost 50 flats, taken over the control and torturing the flat owners to pay the remaining balance with out completing the construction.
Advices to the ppl who are willing to buy the property:-
Do not buy.
If you buy flat from these ppl. I am sure you will get BP, tension and sleep less nights.
Before buying please visit Elil Abode, Mahadevapura.
Do not trust the sales ppl Suresh and Prakash. These are big time cheaters
They have contacts with LIC loans ppl, One of them is Ramesh. These guys are having tie-ups and they will miss guide you.