I am not exaggerating but I am going to help you save yourself Mental, Physical and Financial Agony.
This property does not have NOC(fire dept). Commencement/completion Certificate(CC) and Occupation certificate(OC). Google it if you dont know what they are.
If you get a loan with out all these, its not the banks duty or the Registrar duty to check if you have all those certificates/receipts. They will only check if the EMIs are being paid or not or check if you are paying the guidance value or not and giving some bribe or not at the time of registration.
Later in your life there will a point when you would want to sell your flat and move on, to you native or make Money since the Rate have appreciated or you had some financial crunch, then the buyer who is going buy your flat will need all these for the banks to approve the loan.
A simple presentation of A katha or B katha from BBMP or BDA will not help the buyer to secure a loan from the bank and you will be stuck with the flat forever until you find a Cash party who dont require a loan to buy your flat. The Marketing Goons Venkat and Shashidar will tell you that they have all those things but tell you that they will show you only when you pay 20% upfront(Guidance value). So its your call to get locked up financially or not.
They will tell all those are not required and show you examples of people/owners who bought flats with out OC, CC and NOC. But if they put their flat on the resale market then there wont find any **Buyers>/B> because they will be stuck for not providing the OC and
It is the builders duty to OBTAIN CC and OC not yours. No one will give you as an individual if you apply or as a Society. It will not work that way with BDA or BBMP
The builder or the Landlord may tell you that once the society is formed the OC will be given and thats utter rubbish. You cant even catch hold of these guys as they will change the numbers and addresses once they made their money.
They may tell you that its the Builder who is getting this Review written or some estranged Guy who is jobless is doing this. I am not foolish enough to sit quiet after going thru what they have done to me.
My sincere suggestion is not to even look or pass by this property and move to a better property without any kind of litigation. Make sure whatever you buy should have the following
Another major Thing to Note here and I forgot to write it up,
1.There is a long Open Dump/drain the runs parallel to the left side of the Apartment complex along the wall and since the wall is little taller than normal walls you cannot see it from parking or the level 1 or 2 flats, unless you go onto very top and climb the roof. Its really smelly and you wonder where the smell is coming from. The builder or the landlord may say that they will cover it up by paying some fees or bride to the BBMP or municipality but that aint happening, cuz imagine you cover up your drainage from your house, where will the dirty water or sewage go? So thats the deal here.
2.There is a Big DUMP YARD right next to the apartment, its called Karnataka Compost Development Corporation. Here is the link for google maps
Go ahead and check for yourself, It exactly 950meters to the Aban Essence. They burn the compost and the smell is unbearable when they do. When it drizzles or rains, that whole area Smells just like a Dead Rotten Rat.
I had the first hand experience. And later who know about the lake if its going to be a lake or a drainage? You guys know 90 percent of the lakes in bangalore are not fresh water lakes but Drainages, including the Bellandur lake.
But if you still want to give it a try, after reading all this, Then please please please check the below things and confirm with a Good lawyer but not a low life lawyer that you will get at any BDA complex in bangalore for 2 to 4k to verfy the docs. Spend 20 to 30K for the investigation of the documents.
- Obtain commencement certificate and occupancy certificate.
2.Ask for copies of land registration, joint venture, Encumbrance certificate, tax paid receipts, etc.
3.Check whether there are any pre-existing owners.
4.Confirm whether the area is approved by BMMP, BDA or BMRDA
All the best