I am owner of ATS flat and I have sincere advice to everyone looking at buying any property in ATS. Please be careful in dealing with ATS. Ths builder arm twists the buyers and extracts extra payments on various pretexts like false/imagined increase in your area. They hold possessions and even after giving possession ATS tries to extract more money. They use all kind of threats, they delay your registry. Be sure. Ask them to give you a letter saying that the agreed amount is full and final and they will register the property without any additional amount from you. Please get this letter from authorised signatory or Mr. Anand himself because they do not accept letters signed by their staff when you will go to them for registry of your property.
I am suffering and I do not want others to suffer. Please do not get impressed so easily, try and be safe. Please get all documents, especially related with payments and dues duly signed and stamped by director himself.
May God save you.