If I have made any mistake in my life, it would be buying a flat in Enkay Garden. They always give fake promises which will never be implemented at ground level. I bought a Flat on Phase II 2 years back and they promised to give possession in 1 year. But still there is no hope of getting flat. They have disbursed 95% of my loan and the construction is still pending. I am paying interest as well as rent till now and no hope from Enkay Garden.
Whenever I call them they give some excuses and fake promises and now I am fed up of chasing them. So I dont want others to suffer like I do. Please take my words and dont buy until you confirm everything clearly from them.
I have all emails stating the possesion but that all on paper but never executed at ground level. If anyone else facing the same issue please get in touch with me on 9867055923