One of my friend booked for Purva Windermere paying Rs 5, 00, 000 as advance, during first half of 2008, when the project was soft launched, pending formal approvals. As the firm launch dates was not forthcoming, he opted out of the project and requested for refund in the month of December 2008.
Ever since he has been making several calls and has written several mails, but to no avail. He has even written to Puravankaras CFO, but with little in the form of response. Not sure why a public listed company is treating its customers so shabbily. The company went public just last year, at a good premium, so it is hard to believe they have cash flow problems. Not sure what the intention is? I wonder if there are others too who are suffering similarly.
Several lessons learnt from this, most important of which is to not invest in unapproved projects. Gather that the project is being soft-launched once again. Investors beware!