Please do not invest in SAMRAJYA REALTY VASHI . Its a fraud , no registration, no refunds happen if you go with this developer.
Please be careful with SAMRAJYA REALTY VASHI before transferring money to them to buy land. Its highly impossible to get your money back . They promise to register a land (cidco scheme land) but that never happens. They say next week next month festival etc reasons but registration will not happen. And if you ask for money back that will not happen so easily. Mr. Mahadev Zende owner of the company, he never say he wont do registration or he will never say he wont give money. But both will not happen. So be careful before dealing with SAMRAJYA REALTY, VASHI. If anyone want to know more about my issue with SAMRAJYA REALTY VASHI land buying you can comment and reach me I will tell you all details with evidence.