I invested about 4-5 years, just before corona. Full Amount paid, Agreement Done, 7/12 Done, that should be it, I was waiting in anticipation for last 5 years to get my Land, still waiting.
Now they have started to post fake reviews on various platforms including mouthshut. Hence I too decided to post an honest review.
The advertise full page advertisements in Sakal Property and Maharashta Times, also spend a lot of money in getting leads from Facebook and Instagram advertisements. I echo the same views that so many others have expressed about this company and the people behind the company. the one horrible person you should stay away from is Vijay Sarode, dont know even if its his real name. but he is the front man and most notorious people I have seen on Earth, he is the guy who threatens people. he will cheat, you call him and his ready answer is he is on your work only, if you try to reason with him he will tell to go do whatever you want to do. These are a bunch of horribly, unethical, criminals. My interaction with Priya & Santosh Seu Pawar was initially cordial, but they too started showing their true colours and also got to know about his criminal history. both husband and wife duo are the masterminds of this massive fraud.
Their projects at Rahatwade - No posession give till date to anyone. Bhor - Guess only 2-3 people have got possession that too after a massive delay and significant financial efforts, influence and fights.
Navi Mumbai - No one has got the possession.
Velhe - No one has got the possession.
other projects - same situation.
They take whatever money they can, same land sold to several people, land shown and land on the agreement are totally different, the agreement for everyone is same - same boundries for everyone - not possible, identification of the actual land - impossible to do. the mojani they never do, individuals trying to do mojani will need information of everyone on the 7/12 and the information of the people in the adjecent 7/12’s, which again is an impossible task. most of the individuals aspiring to do farming and build a farmhouse are unaware all the complications involved in the process. the unfortunate part is that the government officials are aware about this massive fraud, but they too show apathy towards the victims, infact all the victims have paid a bribe to the talathi and others to get their name on the 7/12. there is also a clause in all agreements that the possession is give, this clause acts like a savior for them, innocent buyers agree to this clause even though the physical possession is not give.
Please #pmo #devendraphadanvis @cmomaharashtra @punepolice #ajitdada #EknathShinde @amitshah #homeminister and other agencies should start looking at these people, many more innocent people are falling prey to thier unfair trade practices every day. the magnitude of this scam is enormous, running in to a few hundred crores.