Couldnt agree more with the previous review. If you want an example of how a residential project can be executed with poor quality, least professionalism and absolute chaos, look at their Landmark City. This group made big promises of astate of the art township, which was to be completed by end of 2013. However, along came Allen career institutes plans to start a coaching center and Shubhams all original plans went to the drain.
Here are some key points of this utter failure of a project:
> They delayed the residential project by over 2.5 years while Allens building was constructed on full priority.
> They repurposed all incomplete construction of residential buildings to more lucrative hostel buildings.
> Their(short) staff never showed the courtesy to inform the investors of these delays or accurately answering on the status updates
> The self-serving management has the audacity to market the extensions of landmark city while all you see in the current township is greed, chaos and mismanagement.
> After over 3 years of delays, they delivered my residential property which wasnt 100% complete and could have been built twice as good by a small time contractor.
To me, it can claim to be an ISO900* group but deep down, it acts on a short sighted small time company which hit a jackpot by sheer luck.
I am pretty sure, rather then owning up to my points they will try to find a phony user with a single review unconditionally praising them with generic comments.