This review is to make people aware on the reality of the Sobha Developers. Sobha Developers is the one of the worst developers in India; unprofessional, untrustworthy, non-transparent company.
The sales personnel treat you like a king till the sale is done. Once the sale is done the customer will be treated as hostages. The sales team promises everything before the sale. Once the sale is done, sales team is very busy to answer the customer’s telephone calls and they do not have courtesy to reply to your emails.
The CRM of Sobha is the worst in industry. They know nothing about customer relationship. They are not capable and incompetent to provide professional customer service. CRM only knows to send the demand letter for the payment and sometime even before completing the construction. The CRM executives have very unprofessional callous attitude. The response from the CRM is always bureaucratic and does not address the concerns raised by the clients, responses are not consistent, non-conclusive and it does not reflect the reality at the project site. There is no transparency in communications. Sobha charges the customer interest at 24% for delayed payments even if it is the fault of Sobha. Sobha avoids payment of compensation to customer for delayed completion by handing over the incomplete project without providing basic amenities like power and water.
Sobha claims to provide quality projects and demand premium price for their projects; but they do not have any idea about the quality. The design is full of flaws. The quality of execution is very bad. The site engineers do not know the type of materials being used. The common man does better job than Sobha Personnel. There is absolutely no quality control/ quality check. Sobha uses poor quality materials for accessories which will be broken in couple of months. The seepage problem occurs with one month of possession. Sobha does not provide all the facilities/amenities as per the construction agreement. Sobha gives trivial excuses for non-provisioning.
The entire team of Sobha has highly unprofessional arrogant, unapologetic and callous attitude. There are many legal cases against Sobha for encroachment, public road passing through project site etc. It is recommended not to invest your hard earned money in Sobha projects. As customer of Sobha, you will be in receipt of a false assurance; a false commitment and will be subjected to unfavorable policies. If the Sobha’s apartment is purchased, Sobha will take money and peace of mind of the customer.