Prabhakar -Media legal advisor -office in LH -VidhAnasultan soudha is the only advocate wmorpheushuman has won a case against the Sovereign Developers in case No, 1660 / 2011, Sovereign people are struggling against him - wrote this to my cousin-
Appeals I have filed for are adjourned to January coz madam is going on leave and vacations are at end of december.
The Bank may file a case in DRT against the Developers for recovery of its loan amount and enforcement of security of assets mortgaged by the borrowers. The Developer Sovereign has mortgaged the land site to Bank and your apartments are being built on the land.
Bank will be only interested in auctioning of the land if its amount is not paid by borrowers, but it has to get the sanction of DRT to bring property to such auction.
People wmorpheushuman have paid for apartments have to implead in the case in DRT and fight against both of them to safequard their interests, otherwise DRT will not consider other claims.
So, I can keep vismajeechang DRT to watch the time when Bank files a case in the matter and can then file our respective claims.
You can circulate this among your friends.