This review is for builder/developer Sri Meenakshi Developer. I had purchased a flat in Sri Meenakshi Encalve a year back but I and several others were cheated with many false promises
The idea of this review is to help people to be saved from the builders trap Mr. Ranganath and his agent Hamid who get poor and innocent people to their trap.
The interior of campus is horrible. it seems like you are walking through some slum. The builder and his ally tell people that it would be done and just that some work is going on but its same for years
Out of 3 blocks in building the entire second block is illegal which now he has rented out.
The car parking provided to residents is on illegal land which he has extended about 7 feet to some one else land
The lift is there but it never works because there is no generator.
The generator kept at the entrance of building is Hutchs and builder has no right on it
He would say that building has power back showing that generator thats bullshit
7.There is no sewage done as all the building sewage is thrown to a empty plot nearby
- There is water shortage as the bore is just 300 mt deep.
I would suggest if anyone is planning to buy just make sure you check with at least one of the residents who are having a hard time as builder would just bluff you. Please stay away from any projects by this builder