People who are looking for advise on this or that land to be bought from Sunworld.
I dont have a direct advise/suggestion. You should really consult some real estate expert, I will share my thoughts though.
Land or real estate(RE) is just like an asset class where you invest. Others being gold, cash, equity(stock market), bonds, fd etc.
RE has given stupendous returns since 2004 and we are in 2016. The best period for investing in RE was between 2004 and 2012.
So for about 12 years RE as an asset class has given good returns.
Prices have more or less remained the same or came down since last 3 years or so.
I dont think this can continue for long. The down phase of RE has started. At least you cant expect returns like what you saw earlier.
Most importantly remember that buying a land is easy infact very easy, its the selling where you will know the exact impact of the down turn.
In a nutshell, I would advise against investing in RE in general and SUnworld in particular.