TGS works on the Same way other Cheating Companies works now Days. Offers, Quick Money, Big Promises, Big Advertisements on News Channels and News papers. Once U Pay, soon the Number will Change and it will keep Changing till u ask for a Cancellation and Once U asked all numverss will be Switched off.
Now u go to TGS Office and keep Requesting even once u shout the have Bouncers they will Beat the S-blood out of U. I meet a Guy who said last night the owner sent some bouncers and they beaten all his family and misbehaved with his mother.
No Police will launch FIR, if u Manage to Reach till Madiwala, All they will ask u to put a Complaint that too they have a Format for that, U cant go Beyond that.
I Again Meet a guy, who is So called TGS 1st Customer he said many cases are pending on TGS and recently owner been to jail 4 just 1 day and is out in no time.
just know U will never gonna get yr refund ever.
: The Owner have all Big Connections.
ppl say till Central govt. so if U think U can take back ur investment, still u gonna be traveling all offices u do not want to go.