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Member Since:Jun 14, 2017
1110 MS Points
About Me
Education: Graduated
Food and Drinks: ShanghaiBooks: Three Mistakes of My LifeMovie Stars: Jacqueline FernandezMovies: Three IdiotsT.V. Shows: BakedMusic: Shape of You & CloserQuotes: Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
Food and Drinks: Shanghai
Books: Three Mistakes of My Life
Movie Stars: Jacqueline Fernandez
Movies: Three Idiots
T.V. Shows: Baked
Music: Shape of You & Closer
Quotes: Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
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It was not at all fresh
Reviewed Cocktail Khichdee - Doranda - Ranchi
Heyy friends. Today I would like to share my opinion about the restaurant that is Cocktail Khichdee which is situated in Doranda, Ranchi. I went there for theRead more...
Reviewed Maybelline The Colossal Liner
Hello Everyone Today I am giving my reviews after the experience I collected after applying maybelline the colossal kajal. I dont know whether this prRead more...
Taste not good
Reviewed Britannia Cake Strawberry Muffills
Hello Everyone I am giving my reviews upon Britannia Cake Strawberry Muffins. The packet of the cake is not so attractive. Now about the taste I would likeRead more...
Doesn't lasts long
Reviewed Axe Signature Mysterious Body Perfume
Hello everyone, today I am giving the review upon Axe Signature Mysterious. I usually prefer mens deodorant as I like hard smell when it comes upon deodRead more...
Bad Experience
Reviewed Eylex Cinemas - Hinoo - Ranchi
Heyy guys, today I am giving my review on Eylex Cinemas, Hinoo, Ranchi. The first thing I experienced is the garbages littered all around the threatre and dueRead more...
Not good
Reviewed Tata Play
Hello Friends, Today I am giving my reviews upon Tata Sky. I had a DTH connection of Tata sky as I thought that a Tata Product is a good one but the picture qRead more...
Anchor fans
Reviewed Anchor Ceiling Fan
Hello Everyone, Today I am giving my reviews upon anchor fans. Since my old fan got stuck due to certain problems we went to buy a new fan. The shopkeeper suRead more...
Feels good
Reviewed Cinthol Cool Talc
Hello Friends, Today I am giving my reviews upon Cinthol talc. It is a best powder which one can use as it gives a very refreshing experience. It is good toRead more...
Very sticky
Reviewed Nivea Creme
Hello Friends, Today I am giving am giving my reviews upon nivea cream. It comes in a box of blue colour. The brand is very old and is useful in healing dry sRead more...
Causes dry skin
Reviewed Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream
Hello Everyone, Today I am giving my reviews upon Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream. I started using this cream by seeing the advertisement in the television that it Read more...
Bad experience
Reviewed Zakk U8 Smartwatch
Hello Everyone, Today I am giving my reviews upon Zakk U8 Smartwatch. I bought this watch for my friend on his birthday. As it was a Smartwatch he was very hRead more...
Reviewed Yepme
Heyy everyone, Today I am giving reviews upon an online fashion store that is YEPME.COM. Here one can purcahase dress and all. After downloading this app  I Read more...
not felt like cleaniness
Reviewed Dettol Soap
Hello Friends, Today I am giving my reviews upon Dettol Bodywash. I ordered this product from Snapdeal. I thought that it is a dettol product so it will show Read more...
Cheap but not good
Reviewed Acer Aspire 4710
Hello Friends, Today I am reviewing upon Acer Aspire 4710. The only thing which attracts about this laptop is the low price. But when the features comes it laRead more...
Does not clean the mouth
Reviewed Patanjali Dant Kanti Dental Cream
Hello Everyone, my review for today is for Patanjali Dant Kanti Dental Cream. I started using this paste when I had pain in my Jaws. The paste does not have aRead more...
Reviewed Patanjali Dant Kanti Advanced Toothpaste
Hello Everyone, Today I am giving my review on Patanjali Dant Kanti Advanced Toothpaste. I bought this paste so that I dont use any paste which contentsRead more...
Poor Network
Reviewed Reliance JioFi-3 Personal Hotspot Router
Hello everyone, Today I am talking about Reliance JioFi - 3 Personal Hotspot Router. This is a device which provides wifi for other devices such as mobile, taRead more...
Reviewed Luminous Eco Watt 850 Square Wave Inverter
Hello Everyone, Today I am giving reviews upon Eco Watt 850 Square Wave Inverter. The lifespan of this Inverter is not longlasting. The inverter gets overheatRead more...
Got cheated
Reviewed Microsoft Zune
Hello friends, My review for today I upon Microsoft Zune. This was recommended by a sales boy in a multipurpose electronic shop. I am completely clueless thatRead more...
Reviewed Philips Mini Dot Mp3 Player
Hello Friends, today I am going to give my review upon Phillips Mini Dot Mp3 Player. I purchased it online. When I started using it I found that the sound quaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Manoj Kumar (@GreenDartMouthShut Verified Member)
Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Birbull Official (@BirbullMouthShut Verified Member)
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