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Member Since:Dec 07, 2002
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Education: College Student
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Hotmail is Toast!
Reviewed Fastmail.Fm
I decided to make this a post of its own since the responses do not seem to be clearing the air. Ok, let me state it again in reference to FastMail and HotmaiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on mattringsell's review
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Commented on own review
Perdon, but I didn't see it anywhere exclusively stated that comparison/debate is not permitted here. In fact, in the About us section, it says: We provide: • A platform for consumers to voice their opinions on thousands of products and services that are manufactured by and sold to India Read More...
Rated on lorda's review
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Followed korax1214
Rated on rambonarang's review
Bandwidth a pro because it's an awesome business strategy. I can assure you that no free hotmail user uses even close to 40MB of bandwidth a month. In email or storage business, bandwidth is the most expensive thing. So, with a good bandwidth strategy (which almost no one goes over anyway, except Read More...
Commented on Lentini's review
OK, I'll admit, I was wrong about MailServices. It does have a $14.95 lifetime account with 25MB of space. Sorry about that. But I stand by my comments about Hotmail and FM.
[... continued from previous post] The reason mostly good things about FM is posted there is because it is a terrific service! You have to remember that FM has no benifit advertising through the forum, since people there are mostly already account holders of FM. Mailservice.ms seems like a go Read More...
Lentini, Let's take it point by point, shall we? Hotmail has nearly all the features of free FastMail? Let's see. The free 'Guest' account in FM allows 10 MB of storage, free hotmail gives you a stinking 2. If you want to pay $19.99 a year to Hotmail for what you get for free in FM, who am I Read More...
Rated on Lentini's review
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Alexandria Coleman (@acolem2956MouthShut Verified Member)