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Member Since:Aug 22, 2009
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Best Bio-degradable detergent - SA8 Gelzyme
Reviewed SA8 - Amway Detergent
I wud like to share my experience. My sister got an embroidery work done on her expensive plain pink coloured Saree (Indian clothing for womens). The person fRead more...
Part Time jobs / business
Reviewed Tips on Earning Through Internet
Friends, anybody who takes up any work(yes any work!) as a partime job / business definetly means that he/she is looking for or is already earning from additiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on mahe4missionrozgar's review
this is like the time2rich fraud website. where one needs to register & pay from his/her pocket for some thrash softwares & the money i pay is distributed to upline sponsors who have actually done nothing.
Commented on nanat's review
I swear this is true. I wud like to share my experience. My sister got an embroidery work done on her expensive plain pink coloured Saree (Indian clothing for womens). The person from who this work was entrusted (bl...dy fool) used a 'BALL PEN' to draw the flowers, etc., on the saree b4 the embroide Read More...
Rated on nanat's review
Commented on g16studios's review
& why r u wasting the internet resources by writing incomplete information. Yes in Amway there is always a pressure on the business owner to maintian a constant / higher sales level every month. More sales in turn benefits the individual/Business owner & the products r eco friendly so whats wrong i Read More...
See man, If u r really bothered about the coolie, then why don't u donate all the stuff u have & keep donating whatever u earn. Every person on this Earth is Selfish. So no point in condemning the other person / business. In your JOB ur Boss may make ur life miserable since he has to survive. So r Read More...
Commented on bbadguzar_1940's review
These MLM schm shud be thrghly invstged if they are making more than reasonable margin & are they further legally utilising the money in order to pay such huge commissions from 1 time selling of products?
RMP is a perfect example of smart guys cashing in on human beings tendency / liking / interest for easy money. Goldquest from Chennai tried the same & has collapsed. Like RMP, Goldquest also has a weekly cap on the commission & to avoid legal issues RMP sells product equivalent (they say so) or in e Read More...
Commented on dreamsteam's review
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