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Member Since:May 31, 2009
0 MS Points
Well it is really very tough to tell something bout yourself,as its all about perceptions..different pepole have different perception.i 9 ,i 9 its going on philosophycal side ok baba m tellinggggg stuborn,little bit lazy,sometime careless,self reliant,a gud advisor,(i supposed).always happy without any reason in short mast.i have just one policy khao,piyo,chill maro....,, i hate the pepole with dual face,n the pepole who in actual are not honest with themselves. i like to travel at new places. i m like a new born baby who is very fascinating about the pepole of differnt thinking n bearing different mask. in short full analytical girl.lol.
About Me
Education: master degree
Food and Drinks: m a gourmand,.healthy food contains healthy mind.so ovsly yaar Movie Stars: Ben afflack,brad pit,tome cruze,akshay kumar,Movies: pearl harbour,a walk to remember,akki,s comedy moviesT.V. Shows: reality shows n stock news channel,Music: not particular,that pleases my ear first time i hear,,Quotes: who says,i have to like the things the way they are ,the thing which doesnt suits to me i change,,
Food and Drinks: m a gourmand,.healthy food contains healthy mind.so ovsly yaar
Movie Stars: Ben afflack,brad pit,tome cruze,akshay kumar,
Movies: pearl harbour,a walk to remember,akki,s comedy movies
T.V. Shows: reality shows n stock news channel,
Music: not particular,that pleases my ear first time i hear,,
Quotes: who says,i have to like the things the way they are ,the thing which doesnt suits to me i change,,
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