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Member Since:Aug 14, 2007
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on salshk's review
Cannot wait for DON 2, I know the shoot starts early next year!!
Rated on salshk's review
Cannot wait for DON 2..i know the shoot starts early next year
Rated on livinglife's review
Commented on livinglife's review
Agreed Yoda, the movie was MUCH MUCH better than your review !!
Commented on enyurdreams's review
picchhar abhi baaki hai mere dost !! It was one of those entertaining movies...
Rated on enyurdreams's review
Rated on iamcooldude's review
Commented on iamcooldude's review
thrash!! absolute crappy review, you seem to be JEALOUS of young authors !!
Good Ole 70s bought back..wow...thanx SRK and team....fun movie
Followed salshk
Agreed ! everything about Chak De is Awesome, one my favrouite movie
Rated on Veekey's review
Commented on Veekey's review
Shahrukh khan has played the role very stylishly, SRK is the real Bollywood czar , this is one of the most defining performances of his career, this DON better than the old crap Don, this is a high-octane, tension-filled, twisty roller coaster of a ride, with just the right dose of glamour, action, Read More...
This movie is contemporary and stylishly crafted, and the Bollywood czar Shah Rukh Khan plays the role to perfection, this is one of the most defining performances of his career, teamed for the first time with former Miss World, Priyanka Chopra. I feel it is bigger and better than the old crap Don, Read More...
Greta reveiw my friend!!! Chak De India’ is a film about the human spirit to fight and persevere. and Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role as the coach of Indian girls’ hockey team has palyed the role to perfection !!! he is true super star!!!
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