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Member Since:Nov 11, 2015
207 MS Points
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Falimy optima Health insurance plan
Reviewed Policybazaar
I was told repeatedly by these so called sales representatives that I can add my child in the policy at any point of time. Now they are saying sorry our salesRead more...
Made For Salman Khan Fans...
Reviewed Prem Ratan Dhan Payo
Prem Ratan Dhan Payo. My mother being a big fan of Salman Khan our whole family went for this movie. One thing we need to accept is that a lot of effort and Read more...
Order One, be Prepared for Two
Reviewed Snapdeal
Lets see, Snap Deal Like most of these websites out there, one needs to be very attentive while buying from them, especially if you are paying before hand. Read more...
Be Cautious
Reviewed Bookmyshow
Lets see, Book My Show. I was and I still am using this web site to book movie tickets online.I must say it is convenient to check shows and book tickets onRead more...
A partner since 10 years
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Honda CBF Unicorn 150cc Lets see a bike that I purchased in 2005, when it was just launched. I booked it after looking at a pic of this motorcycleRead more...
Bang for a Buck
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Ertiga
Maruti Ertiga, in my opinion, is worth every rupee you pay for it. Its been a year since we bought a red Ertiga Vdi. Yes, its bumpy. Yes, it has a big turbRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on desigal's review
Good review. I too feel the same way about the movie.
Rated on desigal's review
Commented on MyThoughts16's review
Nice to see the amount of detail you have gone through in this review. It is a good car.
Rated on MyThoughts16's review
Commented on vlmuthukrishnan's review
Its a very good sedan for that price, your review lacks a lot of info. No offence.
Rated on vlmuthukrishnan's review
Rated on joshiapoorv980's review
Commented on joshiapoorv980's review
Thanks and I agree with your review, captured all the important bits.
Commented on pritashchaudry's review
How about the heating issues?
Rated on pritashchaudry's review
HaHa... must agree to every point you made. Just to add to this try watching the songs without volume. its even more hilarious
I agree with you on many aspects, but to must say i am find this program it a bit irritating. No offence.
Its a movie that most Indians can relate to, nice review.
Rated on Sushmanth's review
Commented on Sushmanth's review
Amazon does not always get it right, but they seem to be the best of the lot, having deeper pockets.
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