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Member Since:Feb 15, 2011
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Cheating of compugen/brilliant tutorials
Reviewed Brilliant Tutorials - Mumbai
This is a big fraud company Do not join this college or take any agency from this group company compugen, it evades agents commission and employees salaries Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on sweets31's review
Commented on sweets31's review
this review is posted by one of the brillaint employee , hence it is bias.
Commented on chennai_student's review
hi sweets31 i think you are from brilliant group othervise you need not feel like that. we know what is their classroom and the standards of the faculty, they are either +2 or degree discontinued. do you know what's their paypack? its not more than 7to8k p/m with this salary how do you expect a Read More...
Rated on chennai_student's review
Commented on alwaysguna's review
promo by the company... dont become victim of this company
Commented on own review
very good review
what excellent you found sir/madam? copy material or minting money from innocent students? please dont play games with student lifes.
Commented on Kylmene's review
very bias and reviewd by brilliant employee
Rated on Kylmene's review
oho kylmene got angry na):.. really pity on you madam. and my business is to safeguard the innocents from the cluthches of you kind of companies. ya now confirmed you are working for brilliant.
hi i am one of the victim of this so called brilliant group. its a big fraud company, it poses like a saint but in real they are big frauds towards students and agents. their content is full of plagarism and cut/copy/paste type. so dont join any crash ( in real it is cash ) course with brilliant tut Read More...
Rated on alwaysguna's review
Rated on brilliantcheat's review
Commented on brilliantcheat's review
hi this so called Brilliant tutorials/cheating p. ltd., is big fraud company. in the name of education they are doing purely money minting business. you can find the material from FIITJEE and Oher big players in the market. these ppl. simply copy the material and claims that it is their own. more Read More...
yes this is original review without any bias.
hi kylmene i know you are from brilliant, my pity on you to safe guard such fraud institute. by the way where do you work in brilliant? chennai or delhi? all the best for your newjob.
this post is posted by brilliant it self . its purely promotional activity. hahahahah another way of polished cheating.
hi we did'nt say material is not good but what we say was it is full of plagarism . you can find the same material with less price and we talked about the cheating attitude of the group we suggested that please do not become a victm of this company. if want we can give clear picture about this.
Commented on sgovila's review
dear sir did you get your money back? or else you can proceed further to impliment the judgement or you can take police help. acgtually this company is a big fraud company , i know this companies managers personally they are very greed and arrogant.we filed a cheating case on this company in a.p, Read More...
Rated on sgovila's review
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