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Member Since:May 26, 2010
0 MS Points
Though employed right now, will start a business shortly. I like reading, watching movies and visiting religious places.
About Me
Food and Drinks: Biryani and LassiBooks: Jab se you have loved me (for the time being)Movie Stars: Amitabh BachchanMovies: Sholay, Trishul, Namak Halal etc.T.V. Shows: NewsMusic: Hindi film musicQuotes: Kuchh to log kahenge...
Food and Drinks: Biryani and Lassi
Books: Jab se you have loved me (for the time being)
Movie Stars: Amitabh Bachchan
Movies: Sholay, Trishul, Namak Halal etc.
T.V. Shows: News
Music: Hindi film music
Quotes: Kuchh to log kahenge...
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A must watch movie.
Reviewed The Reader
This is one movie that one watches with rapt attention, mesmerized by the performances of the actors and leaves with moist eyes. Men-women relationships can bRead more...
Doesn't go down well!
Reviewed Johnny Gone Down - Karan Bajaj
No one can miss spotting this book, for it seems to be everywhere. Piled up, fanned out, shelved, stacked this book adorns not just every bookstore, but footpRead more...
Nokia C6, the ultimate from Nokia.
Reviewed Nokia C6
I have just checked on this at a Nokia Priority dealer and have been simply bowled over. This phone is yet to go on sale commercially, but will be available Read more...
Love watching movies - Be a Bigflix member.
Reviewed BigFlix
I love watching movies like anyone else and used to borrow DVDs from a local rental store. However, the problem with these small time video parlous as they arRead more...
If you cannot afford a car - take public transpor
Reviewed Tata Nano
But dont buy the Nano for heavens sake. Several cars catching fire doesnt speak volumes of the quality. But that is not the only issue. Let me sRead more...
Time to say 'ta-ta' to TATA?
Reviewed Tata Indicom Mobile Operator
Let me begin with Tata Indicom - one of the worst internet service providers, one of the worst mobile phone service providers - as far as billing related issuRead more...
Never subscribe to any Tata Internet service.
Reviewed Tata Indicom
I had a vsnl account for a very long time since the dial-up days with some e-mail address .@vsnl.com. This is a paid service in these days of free e-mail accoRead more...
Avoid bookadda, go for flipkart or infibeam.
Reviewed Book Add
I too had a bad experience with bookadda. They have an attractive site, but thats about it all. While doing online shopping, we must stick to those whoRead more...
Really not again, please.
Reviewed Oh Shit, Not Again - Mandar Kokate
I wonder how some publisher took this book for publishing. There is no story, the language is that of an eight standard boy and there is no link from one paraRead more...
Good one, but now it is history.
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
Those who have enjoyed Five Point Someone (and yes, this was a trendsetter of sorts) will certainly enjoy this book, Jab se you have loved mRead more...
Very very enjoyable.
Reviewed Jab Se You Have Loved Me - S R Saha
I purchased this book after reading the review here. And I must say that I was not disappointed. It is a story of almost every young man or woman. The treatmRead more...
You'll love this one.
Reviewed Anything for you, Ma'am - Tushar Raheja
This is one rocking novel. I loved this one right from the first page. Funny and free flowing, this book should be a must read for everyone who likes reading Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on Jadooooo's review
Book review? Ya pagalo ka mehfil? I feel both jadoo and ruchir need to be censured by MS readers.
Commented on fenil_seta's review
Excellent Review! Keep it up.
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Dear Ruchir, Whether you read the book or not is up to your choice, and it certainly isn’’t another ’’The Inheritence of Loss’’ or ’’The Sea of Poppies’’ for sure though amongst this genre of pop-rock-chick-lit this one is undoubtedly the best at this point in time. However, the book is widely Read More...
True, some established reviewer need to review this book. However, I have found the book interesting, and no I am not Sahaji.
Commented on GRuchirG's review
A very good review, highlighting the noteworthy points.
Rated on GRuchirG's review
Really bakwas review.
Rated on Jadooooo's review
Commented on ChetanIndia's review
Well Deven, Don't quite agree. Chetan Bhagat was the pioneer and no one can quite match Five Point...
A good review. Crisp and to the point. Keep it up!
Rated on ChetanIndia's review
Commented on VineetJoshi's review
Good story , but never thought that an Oscar winning movie could be made based on it when I read it several years back!
Rated on VineetJoshi's review
Rated on sweets31's review
Mathursaab, This novel is quite enjoyable and entertaining though you should read it with a 'Chetan Bhagat' type of reader mindset and compare it with stories by writers of this genre.
Commented on abcdxyz610's review
But the book is on the bestseller list. Negative publicity often makes one curious.
Rated on abcdxyz610's review
Commented on GEETA1963's article
Wonderful Long time haven't read anything so beautiful as this one. Thank you ma'am for a wonderful piece.
KOJAGARI.......................................WHO IS AWAKE?
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Nooreena Qadri (@PlanetSparkMouthShut Verified Member)
Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
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Atul Chandan Menon (@menonatulMouthShut Verified Member)
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MouthShut.com (@MouthShut_OfficialMouthShut Verified Member)
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Anuj Gupta (@TumbledryMouthShut Verified Member)
Mohak623 (@Mohak623MouthShut Verified Member)
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