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Member Since:Nov 19, 2004
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Education: India
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Ford Fiesta 1.4 ZXi (Diesel) TDCi
Reviewed Ford Fiesta
I brought Ford Fiesta 1.4 ZXi(TDCi – Diesel) during Diwali(Nov 2007). It’s been around 4 months and have clocked 8, 000 KM till now. Thought it is a good timeRead more...
Pulsar 180 DTSi
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar
Hello Friends, I have been Using my pulsar (180 DTSi) for about a year now and have done a modest 18000KM on it. I thought it is right time to present my vieRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on ameet_sawant's review
Rated on sanjayravi's review
Rated on shabeeralam's review
Commented on shabeeralam's review
Was just wondering if this sliding problem occurs only to Pulsars. (I own a 180DTSi...)...May be because we go at high speeds...can't say. But I think this applies to all bikes. The main reason for skidding is 'locking the wheel'. Ie., when you fully engage a break the wheel stops spinning, bu Read More...
Commented on rohitraghavan's review
I have never seen a CBZ come even close to my 180 DTSi...It just cant keep the pace mate! I have done 18K+ on my bike in less than a year and I have never fallen due to skids as you mentioned....My Pulsar Breaks work like a treat. I think it also depends on the driver...you cannot attribute a Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Alex, The reason I mentioned about 1 Down, 4 UP was with Comparision to Pulsar 150 DTSI (I should have made it clear though). Pulsar 150 DTSI Gear shift is all down....while 180 DTSi is 1 Down, 4 Up. Yup..I will keep in mid your adivce on Night Riding / Speadbreakers.... Cheers, De Read More...
Commented on abhi354's review
Excellent Review... It is nothing short of a gripping thriller story...with all nuts and bolts on top of it to include the bikes as well!. Great work Abhi!
Thank you Guys. This was my first review ever. I had posted mainly because of my passion towards biking and my Pulsar. Glad that you found the review useful. Hi Anandernake. I am not saying the lighting is very bad. It is sufficient for City Riding...But on High-Ways the general problem I Read More...
Hi Matwala, Thank you... Regarding my suggestion....you guessed it right - I would recommend a Pulsar!!! Ha Ha Ha! Coming to Serious part ..I have never driven a Unicorn so will not be able to give you my views on Unicorn. Only thing I can say is if you Buy a Pulsar you will not be dissapoi Read More...
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