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Member Since:Aug 08, 2018
40 MS Points
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Non caring bank
Reviewed Axis Bank
The staff here is just the worst as they use bad words to speak with its costumers they are just non caring and the work of axis bank is too slow guys I openeRead more...
Worst network
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
The speed is good but as it has become an habit of airtel to cheat it costumers and loot their faith in them is the main problem of this company.it gets frequRead more...
Just loved a stay here
Reviewed Lalitha Mahal Palace Hotel - Mysore
A fabulous hotel to have a stay with such an amazing staf and the interiors here are just mind blowing the food is also awesome and the staff here are sooo weRead more...
Not worth paying it
Reviewed Snap Fitness - Bangalore
The first thing I would say about this gym is that it is worthless ur hardearned money has no worth here the gym charges too high for its costumers and the trRead more...
Fantastic and a true kind hearted actress
Reviewed Sunny Leone
May be the past of her is little to worry but I really feel pretty of her and im soo mouch happy to see her having a such a successful life in india aftr all Read more...
Value for money
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro 4GB RAM
It is a very gud product by xiaomi mi The product is well balanced in all the departments the battery is good the performance is good and the camera is just Read more...
Looked trust worthy but jst looted the trust
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I hv kept on using airtel from as long as 5-6 years but this company is just like a lottery fraud if we recharge a pack of internet it does not provide any spRead more...
Worth a watch
Reviewed Dhadak
Comparing to sanam re, may be an average film still worth a watch . Like all the movies it may get to its target just because of its music such a gud music itRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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