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Member Since:Feb 14, 2016
44 MS Points
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Education: B.TECH
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I lost but in the end i win
Reviewed Wazir
I have looking forward to this movie since I saw its trailer.The music of this movie is extremely important to me and with wonderful numbers like tere bin, TuRead more...
Dirty, funny, sexy, violent and unabashedly roman
Reviewed Deadpool
I really, really liked Deadpool. And you know what? I didnt expect to. Seriously, I was never a fan of the character(in the sense that I hardly knew anyRead more...
When dreams give you the ability to fly
Reviewed Udaan
Udaan must be one of the best Hindi films Ive ever seen - realistic, simple, engaging, riveting, inspiring and deeply moving. Vikramaditya MotwaneRead more...
One of the best movies starring new actors
Reviewed Sanam Teri Kasam (2016)
This movie was dramatic, full of emotions, a true to the heart love story that made my eyes tear even at the cheesiest lines. Sanam Teri Kasam brought tears Read more...
A Well-Made, Well-Acted Motion-Picture!!!
Reviewed Bajirao Mastani
Sanjay Leela Bhansalis Mangum-OpusBajirao Mastani finally arrives. Been in the news for more than a decade, this period piece, fortunately, Read more...
Airlift will surely touch all Indians by heart!
Reviewed Airlift
As this year has been started well with Wazir, the good work of Bollywood is on the road with increasing the speed and performance. Yes, Im talking aboRead more...
Hilariously Intelligent
Reviewed Tere Bin Laden : Dead or Alive
Tere Bin Laden( TBL) reminded me of Pakistans win in the 2009 T20 cricket world cup. No, its not a movie about cricket but it has the same formulRead more...
Good Representation of the Tulu Culture
Reviewed LoveShhuda
Suddha - is the first digital movie to be made in Tulu language( a language spoken by a couple of million people in the two districts of Mangalore and( partlyRead more...
Sunny rocks!!!
Reviewed Ghayal Once Again
Im watching a movie of sunny after years in cinema and he has done his best.people will judge hate but tell them to even try make a movie like this theyRead more...
I loved the movie very much! Will Watch It again!
Reviewed Sanam Re
Love is something very special for everyone who falls in this. Someone. Somewhere is made for you but what plans does destiny store for us is something we canRead more...
Successful adaptation overall ...
Reviewed Fitoor
FITOOR - So an adaptation of Charles Dickens s GREAT EXPECTATIONS. Charles Dickens is one of the most famous novelist of England. And Great Expectation Read more...
I loved "Inception" but I hate "Dilwale"
Reviewed Dilwale (2015)
To tell you the truth Ive been waiting for the new Star Wars movie for a very long time. But it got pushed one week back due to this movie. Anyways, myRead more...
Amazing acting by SRK...Best emotional drama movi
Reviewed My Name is Khan
The film veers into melodrama and contrivances in the second half. Yet its director/co-writer Karan Johar is, here and in other films, trying to bring fresh iRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on coolvarun23's review
nice review very helpful ji...thanx very much
Rated on coolvarun23's review
Rated on shaoor's review
Commented on pankajparihar08's review
have you read in this institute...then comment
Rated on pankajparihar08's review
Commented on Ijha13549's review
it is also good for pmt bro..
Rated on Ijha13549's review
Commented on ravisaw66226's review
very very nice review bro...its very helpful
Rated on ravisaw66226's review
Commented on sudipta_dam's review
Thanks for review its very helpful
Rated on sudipta_dam's review
Commented on chavdajay's review
Thank you sir ji for helpful review.
Rated on chavdajay's review
Commented on AbhiShekSingh113's review
Totally agree with you my friend.its a very nice movie
Rated on AbhiShekSingh113's review
Commented on ak143's review
its a time pass movie....billshit movie...very disgusting
Rated on ak143's review
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