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Member Since:Feb 06, 2016
72 MS Points
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Reviewed Garnier Fructis Oil-In-Cream
Every day your skin is attached by daily aggression, exposure to sun and pollution, tha can cause intensive darkening and dark spot. Garnier creates power liRead more...
Reviewed Bata Footwear
Brand bata is a good foot wear. It is oldest footwear brand in India. I think we can  trusted still. It is high quality brand and has durability. I already uRead more...
B4u movie channel
Reviewed B4u Movies
B4u is a best movie channel I have ever seen.it shows all south east movies in hindi language. This shows all type of movies .It is a entertainment channel. Read more...
Sony tv
Reviewed Sony TV
Sony tv is a entertainment channel. Sony tv have lot of entertainment serials like cid, crime petrol, comedy nights etc. It was the best historical program wRead more...
Reviewed Garnier Men Powerlight
Dear friends I was already used this product but I am not satisfied with this product because I have changed my face during the period of usage but when I wasRead more...
Zenfone max
Reviewed Asus Zenfone Max ZC550KL
Asus zenfon max is really a great phone. Battery back up is the main thing.considering the specifications its internal storage is 16gb snd ram is the 2gb. ItRead more...
Asianet cable
Reviewed Asianet
Asianet is a malayalam cable channel. I am a asianet cable customer. Asianet is a good channel in terms of programs like tv serials, comedy stars, cinema, baRead more...
Reviewed Myntra
Myntra is one of the best online site but every time when I compared to other site myntra is so expensive.the product price is increased day by day when compaRead more...
Reviewed Flipkart
Flipkart is a one of the best online shopping site in India.Flipkart provides variety of products whatever we want.through flipkart we can purchase every thinRead more...
Sony xperia not good
Reviewed Sony Xperia E1
Sony xperia is not good.considering the specification, it has only 2gb internal storage and it just offers the 512mb ram. Networking speed is poor. We cant iRead more...
Idea wifi dont use
Reviewed Idea WiFi
Idea wifi is not good. Its speed is very less. Sometimes we cant get connection.that is connection reliability is bad.I think its service and support is poorRead more...
Le 1s
Reviewed Letv Le 1S
I liked using the Le 1s for the most part, and while it does feel good in the hand, the software experience is a bit of a let down, making the whole experiencRead more...
Reviewed Asus ZenFone 2 Laser
Asus Zenfone 2 Laser is a very good phone. It is a best budget phone. It is a marvel of design.it has 13MP camera with auto focus.it has 2GB RAM, 16GB internaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on prakashsoni195's review
Commented on AmandeepKaur125's review
It is very good channel
Rated on AmandeepKaur125's review
Commented on sudhir_shaw's review
Very nice channel
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Commented on akshaysonavane5's review
Very interesting channel
Rated on akshaysonavane5's review
Commented on lakhanotralalji143's review
Its a entertainment channel
Rated on lakhanotralalji143's review
Commented on SumitTiwari's review
I like this channel
Rated on SumitTiwari's review
Commented on ankverma18's review
It is great review
Rated on ankverma18's review
Rated on devmandal100's review
Commented on devmandal100's review
This review is very useful
Commented on AnkurDwivedi369's review
Its a good review
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