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Member Since:Jul 01, 2009
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OnkyoHTS3100 has been replaced by HTS3300 Globall
Reviewed Onkyo HTS-3100
I purchased an Onkyo HT-S3100 from ezone Jayanagar(Bangalore) on 31/07/2010. I went into the store with zero knowledge about Home Theatre Systems. So, I was cRead more...
They sell Outdated Models - Onkyo HT S3100
Reviewed Ezone - Bangalore
Purchased an Onkyo HT-S3100 from ezone Jayanagar(Bangalore) on 31/07/2010. I went into the store with zero knowledge about Home Theatre Systems. So, I was comRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sameercsawant's review
Hi Sameer, I booked an Igen I20 CRDI Asta about 30 days back, guess it will take me another 30 days to have the keys in hand :( I am sure there was one question on your mind before you purchased it - How much mileage -City/Highway with and without A/C? Would you be so kind to help me Read More...
Commented on praveenpup's review
Hi.. what mileage are you getting in city and highway respectively?
Commented on own review
Dear gauravjeet2181, looks like you are stuck with a 3100. I have never said that 3100 is bad. Just that it’s not good value for money considering the 3300 costs just 6k more. Maybe you need a few lessons in English.
Rated on 12monkeys's review
Commented on 12monkeys's review
Outdated review. 3300 is better
Hi Hari, Good decision. Believe me the 3300 does a lot more for just 6k difference.
Commented on kiran1377's review
Hi rdevakumar. Check out HT - S3300. It has HDMI repeater and costs 25 k. Great replacement for 3200. Also did anyone change the speaker cables. Did it make a difference?
This is a good review, but only as of 2008. If you are looking to buy this product in 2010 then please read my review.
Sadeeb, I hope you have picked up the S3300. If not pick it up from Modern World - Domlur (if you stay in Bangalore). It is a much better product for just 6k extra. I sold my 3100 for 14k (lost 5 k) and bought the S3300 for 25k from Modern World.
Rated on p_k_raja78's review
Commented on p_k_raja78's review
May I know which LCD you bought and at what price.?
Great Sadeeb. I am glad atleast one of us (Indians) have been saved from this global dumping policy. OTHERS - If this review has saved you from buying S3100, please put your comments. Let Onkyo and Ezone understand that their business policies does not work with all Indian consumers.
Commented on rahul808080's review
Completely agree. My first purchase from Ezone was an LG top of the line split AC. Worked well for only three days. Then the outdoor unit stopped working completely. After a long battle of a month got it replaced. The second piece that came in had a crack in the body but I kept quite as this one was Read More...
Rated on rahul808080's review
Rated on maaz_nawaz's review
Commented on maaz_nawaz's review
maaz_nawaz seems to have been paid to do some damage control for Ezone.
Finally I traded in my 3100 for 14k and got the 3300 for 25k. Lost 5k in the process. Never get carried away with their Home Theatre Experience room etc. just a way of making you think that you are buying something special.
Even I had purchased an AC from them that had to be replaced after fighting for a month.
Rated on abhishes's review
Commented on abhishes's review
Same thing happened to me, they sold me a Onkyo HT-S3100 which is an outdated model.
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