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Uttar Pradesh
Member Since:Mar 03, 2017
140 MS Points
Vegan, Writer, Traveller, Photographer. Testing Variety of Veg Food, Work Love and Many more...
About Me
Education: Graduate - Isabella Thoburn Girls Degree College.
Quotes: Love for writing.
Review of the Day (2)
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Myntra At Its Best
Reviewed Myntra
Hi Friends, I am back with my another review about online shopping experience with Myntra. Honestly this is the only website I love when it comes to clothes aRead more...
After all we live in the era of 4G
Reviewed Honda Activa 4G 2017
Hey friends, sorry for kept you all waiting for my next post, but the news am going to share will bring a smile on your faces and will make you feel kind of wRead more...
The Budget Champion Headphone.
Reviewed Sony MDR-ZX110A Stereo Headphones
In the name of recognition and market reach I think a few audio manufacturers can beat the Sonys capability, I am today going to share my personal experRead more...
Fastrack Bingo!!!
Reviewed Fastrack Watches
Hey friends here I am up with my another personal experience with Fastrack watches hope it will help you finding the affordable and satisfactory products for Read more...
Thumbs Up to Indigo Airlines
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
If I talk about travelling through air that is affordable and convenient plus safe I will give a round of applause to Indigo Airlines. It is also 1 of the gooRead more...
Amazing Pink City
Reviewed Jaipur
A traveler can never get enough of a place and so is with me, if you want to go and explore with friends, Jaipur is 1 of the incredible places to visit in IndRead more...
One Stop Entertainment Solution.
Reviewed Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai!
I have been watching Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain since last year and this Tv serial is I would say is the gratest among comedy also it can be watched with family wRead more...
A Good Experience
Reviewed Samsung 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Top Load Washing Machine (WA62H4300HP/TL)
I bought Samsung Washing Machine Model with 6.2 kg capacity on 26/01/2017 and as it is the 1st washing machine I have ever used so I will give my opinion accoRead more...
Best Cab Provider
Reviewed Ola Cabs
I would love to rate OLA Cabs as one of the best cab provider firms and their guides or riders are good in hosting and conversation, I frequently ride on ola Read more...
Best Performance Phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Redmi Note 3
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 is the best phone among all the android handsets, why? Because it has got the best model among all the android built handsets with the latRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
@nishantraj786 and @muhammadkaleem718 and all those who rated my review as very useful or useful Thank You so much buddies. @mohitjobber07 , @khareruby12 , @mayankdudeja101 first, this is not a fake website and don't rely on getting paychecks from mouthshut they pay you according to your work. Read More...
Rated on maheshsowani's review
@jash_richhariya no buddy, it do not have mic.
Followed mayankgosai
@mayankgosai Hey buddy, thanks for the motivation.
@MouthShut_Official , @KingRoadRunner , @Jhacker52525 , @taarehan , @Akshay572 , @satyapalyadav16 , @Kum21 , @AmitKumaar1234 , @hariomsarma1 , @sandeepmouryayoak and all other buddies' contribution who invested their time to read the review. Thank you so much for all of your comments and likes. I wi Read More...
@Afrojack9811 yeah buddy thanks and yes it is. : )
@khansalman5677 to be true, I am just a beginner and I haven't earned anything.
Khansalman5677 friend I am doing it because I like posting my reviews, but if you particularly doing it for money or MS points don't do it. Do what you love.
It's above nice my friend, I would say.spectacular.
Followed jogendersharma
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Anmol Mathus (@anmolmehta07510751MouthShut Verified Member)
Nandni Kumari (@nandnikumari12372MouthShut Verified Member)
Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
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subash2025638 (@subash2025638MouthShut Verified Member)
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