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Member Since:Mar 20, 2004
0 MS Points
A piscean to the hilt, i revel in studying movies, reading and intelligent discussions. I am a good listener. My motto is - appreciate the good things in life and criticize the bad. Reading, Movies and music... not greatly unique, however those essentially are my interests. I also involve myself in theatre and sports.
About Me
Education: post-grad
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A 'confused' biopic
Reviewed The Dirty Picture
Let me get the one saving factor out of the way at the outset, Vidya Balan has proven herself as a (and I will not go overboard in heaping praise) fine and caRead more...
A subjective analysis....
Reviewed Slumdog Millionaire
The pitfall of Indian cinema, internationally, has been the ‘Bollywoodization’: it’s stereotyping into the category of ‘Bollywood’ films. Though being in a coRead more...
Reviewed One Night at the Call Centre - Chetan Bhagat
The book is not bad, not bad at all if you, as a reader, have the mental capacity and outlook of a 12 – 14 year old. If you are actually a 14 year old, Read more...
Analysis of a classic.....
Reviewed Shawshank Redemption
There are countable number of movies based on books that have done justice to the greatness of the book. The book has enjoyed a position that the movie based Read more...
Absurdity in motion but funny nonetheless!!
Reviewed Seinfeld
What makes a show about nothing so endearing and impossible to ignore? Is it that the characters are so themselves that we relate to them, do the situations eRead more...
Perfection worth studying...
Reviewed Velu Nayakan - Tamil
Arguably, one of the finest films India has produced. One of the most talented actors and a brilliant director combine to give birth to a masterpiece called &Read more...
No point denying the truth, is there?
Reviewed Sarkar
Godfather and Nayakan are amongst my favorites, more importantly they are classics, they have both strived to touch perfection: they mRead more...
A masterpiece on a tragedy!!!
Reviewed Ardh Satya
A classic example of a masterpiece of filmmaking transcending boundaries of time and social climate. This movie is as purposeful in making its essence felt toRead more...
Reviewed Naina
“Inspired” movies, by themselves are not harmful, on condition that the inspired product manages not to degenerate into inspired rubbish. The oppoRead more...
Watch Brave Heart again instead......
Reviewed Kingdom of Heaven
As you walk out of the movie hall, you start wondering if this was a movie worth sitting through and by the time you get home you have forgotten some parts ofRead more...
My first review, not Oliver Stone's best movie
Reviewed Alexander The Great
An Oliver Stone movie is out, the critics pick up the hatchets and start sharpening them intending nothing less than butchering the movie and its maker, well,Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on droop's review
I came here just to read a few reviews dissing this silly movie and yours is the best amongst them. Good job!
Rated on droop's review
Commented on pvas's review
Some good critical insights, which if only presented in a more coherent, cohesive structure with an eye on grammar and sentence formation could have been more effective. But that is a slightly semantic view of your review, otherwise I understand and get your points of view, hence the V.U. Nice analy Read More...
Rated on pvas's review
Commented on own review
@ v_vshetty - I agree. @ sydbarett - Thanks a lot dude. I am far too busy with academia there days for MS, but I have noticed that the quality of reviews on MS has gone down rather drastically, hasn't it... what's up with 4 line reviews in sms language plaguing MS these days? @ sandeepkanchi - tha Read More...
Rated on fenil_seta's review
Commented on fenil_seta's review
Don't agree with you about the film, as you may have guessed having read my review, but found the review quite thorough and well written, therefore the V.U.
Commented on nitinkaushik501's review
Very well written Nitin, I have just written a review on the same and have taken a rather diametricall opposite view on the film, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a wel worded, grammatically correct, complete review in comparison with all the 3 para 'reviews' in sms language I find lying all a Read More...
Rated on nitinkaushik501's review
Commented on sydbarett's review
Hi Syd, Logged in after a long, long time and was skimming through random revives and when on the verge of giving up on the quite degenerated quality of review writing on the site, I come across yours, a pleasantly surprising change from rather basic, grammatically incorrect, incoherent and worse Read More...
Rated on sydbarett's review
Commented on Faridoon's review
Nice one Farid. Your writing has a nice flow and is easy to take in. Well analyzed.
Rated on Faridoon's review
Commented on deepa.s's review
The brilliance of Narayan is his simplistic depiction of normal day to day characters and lives set in the small town of Malgudi. The charm lies in the uncomplicated writing style and the subtle references and attention to detail, especially significant to a south indian who has had the fortune of s Read More...
Rated on deepa.s's review
Rated on theshahofblah's review
Commented on theshahofblah's review
The review is written with a gusto, possibly induced by the clear dislike for the movie, and that takes after my own style of writing, thus, I greatly enjoyed it. However, unlike a lot of other reviewers whose zest overcomes the logic of their critical analysis, this does not fall into that trap. I Read More...
Commented on kk.neelamraju's review
Very well written Neelamraju. I have not seen the movie and don't think I will. I liked kukunoor style of direction, and I agree, he should stick to his forte, but can't comment too much on his latter movies as the last one I have seen of his was 'Dor', which i quite liked. Anyway, thanks for this i Read More...
Rated on kk.neelamraju's review
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