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Member Since:Jun 28, 2010
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Good development but exercise caution
Reviewed ChandraKantha Builders and Developers - Bangalore
We saw their venture ChandraKantha Infinity. This is a well laid out venture near on Jigini-Anekal main road. He almost sold everything. They bought a small pRead more...
Making you kids forever
Reviewed Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
If you are innocent you will fall for it. Per Annum 7.05% interest rate on the amount you invest is the silver lining. They say its guaranteed return. I say FRead more...
If you want to buy Sobha flat, you read this tips
Reviewed Sobha Developers - Bangalore
I dont recommend Sobha even to my foes. But. If you decided to buy sobha at any cost, then here are some tips: Try to buy which is ready to move in, IRead more...
Reviewed Best Constructions - Bangalore
I don’t know lot about these guys. What i observed in the short interaction i had, they want your money as soon as possible. Probably thats a trap. What i leaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
@rothitk1978 & vivk1978 ,i know these 2 ids are created by Yogesh (Chandra Kantha Sales Person). You proved your self stupid again at least you have taken care of creating distinct ids, whats 1978, your Date of Birth year.
Commented on padmanabhak's review
This is the case with all big builders. I read same kind of reviews for Sobha, Puravankara and so on. Cosumers should shun these builders for few years. Let them learn hardway.I appeal to consumers , before you book an apartment from any builder, please read the Construction agreement (the template Read More...
Rated on padmanabhak's review
Commented on pravin_007's review
Ok, please dont be hasty in giving judgement, Wait till you register your property and settle things there after. You are already judging the future. Every one has goody goody experience in early days of booking Sobha flat. Sobha CRM is best in giving superb reception to the Customers.
Yes, I have vested interest in fellow consumers. I know you are posting this because i posted a comment for your review. Please refer me a Realestate Developer who is honest, i will consult them and their customer and write a review accordingly.
@Pravin_007, Yes, I have vested interest in fellow consumers. I know you are posting this because i posted a comment for your review. Please refer me a Realestate Developer who is honest, i will consult them and their customers and write a review accordingly.
Rated on bibu123's review
Commented on bibu123's review
i suspect bibu is employee of Sobha. This is a new trend from developers to nuetralize negetive feed back. I know , Sobha hill view is poorly designed, very less efficiency, delayed. No buyers , so they are selling at reduced prices
Rated on pravin_007's review
Pravin is a marketing executive in Sobha, I am not sure if this guy is same. So take this review with a pinch of salt.
rsinha1975, you look like very positive thinker. After what i wrote , you believe it’s an advertisement? Judgement problem i think. Never mind
Commented on genuinebuyer's review
Its not costly to file a case in consumer court. You dont need to spend lot of time time.
Rated on genuinebuyer's review
Rated on Mrinalini_m's review
Commented on Mrinalini_m's review
Puravanakar, huge brand name but so many cheap tricks. Its asking their employees to pose as customers and post these reviews. Consumers, Open your eyes, Brands which can play such cheap tricks can never be honest with you. sheelk_me, Genius_me,prince_ss, mrinalini_m all are Puravanakara agents. i Read More...
Rated on prince_ss's review
Commented on prince_ss's review
sheelk_me, Genius_me, prince_ss, these three folks are from Puravanakara. SO please dont trust these folks reviews.
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