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Member Since:Jul 03, 2017
160 MS Points
About Me
Education: Beacholre Study Of Computer Science
Food and Drinks: Co foodsBooks: Android StudioMovie Stars: Leonardo DecaprioMovies: Shutter LamdT.V. Shows: Game ofThronsMusic: Alone MarsmelloQuotes: Mirza Galib
Food and Drinks: Co foods
Books: Android Studio
Movie Stars: Leonardo Decaprio
Movies: Shutter Lamd
T.V. Shows: Game ofThrons
Music: Alone Marsmello
Quotes: Mirza Galib
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Worst Shoe
Reviewed Hush Puppies Footwear
Hello friend today I sahre my expirience with you about hush puppies sheo I had buy a pair of this company shoe in black I just waer it 5 to 7 times after tRead more...
Full Money wasting
Reviewed Sony Xperia M2 Dual
Hello, I buy this cell phone 1 year ago and I had a very bad expirience with mobile, in beginning I feel very comfortable but  after a month the hanging problRead more...
E4 is money wasting
Reviewed Sony Xperia E4
Hello it fazi, I buy this mobile a year ago, I just say that buy this cell phone is totatly money wasting because this mobile is a very big problem that is haRead more...
Money Wasting
Reviewed Sony Xperia XZ Premium
We all know that sony is a very high quality and very well brand but this mobile is full of money wasting I buy this mobile last year and honestly talk this mRead more...
Love This
Reviewed Sony 108cm (43) Ultra HD (4K) Smart LED TV
Hello, This is the awesome led ever, I buy this last month and im very happy and comfirtable to buy this because the this  Sony television 4K is the best, andRead more...
Split Ac 1.5 Ton
Reviewed Mitsubishi Air Conditioners
Hello Im Fadi and I buy this Ac last year in 23 April 2016, Im very comfortable withit cooling and service But the main issue for me is the money problen whoRead more...
Money Problem
Reviewed LG Split AC 1.5 Ton
Hello Im Fadi and im purchase this AC 2015, In the mean while im satisfied with the cooling, comfort and its service . But the electricity bill is very uncomfRead more...
Dell is Love
Reviewed Dell Latitude 3350
Im using dell laptop for 4 years and the dell brand is avery comfortablefor me and im learning about some programming so my friend suggest me the dell tatitudRead more...
Love HP
Reviewed HP 15-AY005TX Laptop
Im using  laptop Hp i5 AY005TX Laptop generation, the hp brand is a very comfortable for me and  its metalic color is very well. IM satisfied my laptop but iRead more...
Its Amazing
Reviewed Apple iPhone 6
Apple is the one of the best decive in the world and the one amazing model is Iphone 6 The design of this Cell is very amzing when I call from it and sound qRead more...
Galaxy J7 Max
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Max
Its faraz here and im write my review about samsung galaxy J7 and tell you about this mobile The design of this mobile is very cool  and well and look very pRead more...
Samsung Galaxy J7
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime
Its is better to use your 18000 in buy a Sumsang J7, It has a very beatifull look and look very comfortable in the hand and look very pretty The Ram of thisRead more...
Samsung Galaxy S4
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S4
Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung S4 is a very good looking mobile and in the white color this Mobile is looking very cool And it has 2GB ram and 16 GB internal StoRead more...
Sony Xperia E3
Reviewed Sony Xperia E3 Dual
Sony Xperia E3 is very good looking mobile and its is a very comfortable in the hand and has a good feartures. And the sound quality of this mobile os very gRead more...
Pirates of caribbean : 2017
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge
In this movie Johny deep played a very well role and therole of Captan Jack Sparrow is very suited to him other than their other roles, And in this movie JohRead more...
Fate of the furious is suit to this part
Reviewed The Fate of the Furious (Fast 8)
About the fate of the furious the critic says that in this movie there is a big miss the role of{oa; walker But this movie is Fabulus and a great entertaner Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Followed d_mittal62 , sahilnanda173 , anjansy8530 , digitalsofthub , shailu3489
Commented on ramajnv03's review
A genuine review it is. and it is very usefull to me ...
Rated on ramajnv03's review
Followed ashuamy619 , jpsewada , arpitdon51 , ramajnv03 , rushabhghevade35
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