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Member Since:Oct 07, 2004
0 MS Points
About Me
Education: MA
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The return of the king
Reviewed King Kong (New)
Peter Jackson’s King Kong, as indeed are the two previous versions, is the story of two people lost in hostile environments. Anne Darrow (Naomi Watts), Read more...
Good? Yes. Awards? No.
Reviewed Black - Bollywood
Make no mistakes, this is a nicely executed film, probably the slickest Bollywood has ever produced. Its touching in parts, it holds your interest, and Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on Cousin2's review
nice review, but i do wish you had included more detail. like the name of the village you lived in for a month. since you are talking about a sherpa coming to fetch you, this would be in the solukhumbhu (everest) region? you talk about a train to dhulikhel, as far as i know, there is no such railw Read More...
Commented on moany's review
your review is ok, but red eye is not really the camera's fault. it's the photographer's. simply have your subject not stare directly at the camera when you are using the flash and you won't get red-eye. simple. the falw is not with the camera, it's your shooting technique.
Rated on moany's review
Commented on own review
sorry about that. when i wrote the review i had included para breaks. the character count on my word document was below 2000 but MS kept rejecting it. i couldn't think of anything i wanted to delete, except the para breaks :) apologies again.
Commented on patenik2's review
great review, and excellent analysis. thanks for sharing your opinions with us.
Rated on patenik2's review
thanks Krypt. I read the 'about me' on your page. you've had an interesting life :), take care of yourself, dude.
Commented on ram_cv's review
i like your review. just one thing, i am a fan of the '33 version as well, but i felt the opposite. i thought jackson outdoes himself in this one. i have my own review up, where i have tried to explain why. your opinions are welcome.
Commented on Trapper's review
Nice review. Only you've been kind to the film's makers. your review assumes that they lifted the basics of the plot from sixth sense and then took the trouble of rewriting a lot of it. Sadly, not so. Naina is a practically frame-by-frame lift of Jian Gui or The Eye by HongKong based action filmmake Read More...
Rated on Trapper's review
Rated on Cousin2's review
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