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Member Since:Mar 10, 2010
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Utterly disorganised academic administration
Reviewed Indus International School - Bangalore
The style of administration specially in the higher grades, by the current Vice-principal, is completely arbitrary. Heavy penalties are imposed on things likRead more...
Tall claims, ground reality is very different !
Reviewed New Horizon College of Engineering - Bangalore
Most of the faculty are inexperienced and have little practical knowledge. They seem to just mug up the syllabus exercises and come to teach . very little praRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on meenakshi777496's review
Commented on meenakshi777496's review
All that leadership curriculum stuff sounds good .. but the ground realities are starkly different !! The Middle School (Grade 6 - 8) staff in particular, are very poorly trained, and communication with parents is pathetic !!
Rated on supraman's review
Rated on Dieduiwel's review
Rated on jack10643's review
Commented on jack10643's review
Are you a member of the staff or someone who was asked to write such things ? Your comments lack genuineness !! Obviously not accurate and should not be believed by anyone reading this, who is investing his/her hard-earned money for his/her child's education !!
Rated on srusmi's review
Commented on srusmi's review
How many EEE students get good jobs in engineering cos. .. all branch students are channeled towards IT cos. (which is not surprising considering how many IT cos there are in BLR) then what price Electrical and Engineering ?? Did you write this review on suggestion from your faculty ??
Commented on rollinfred's review
I agree .. apart from the infrastructure education management is very poor .. a lot of claims turn to be false. .. even the so-called All-India and Karnataka rating has dropped compared to previous years !! Why ???! Parents don't waste your hard-earned money here !!
Rated on ram52's review
Rated on sankatharan's review
Rated on ashoks1956's review
Rated on vidyacpr's review
Rated on dp_shri's review
Rated on sonapath's review
Commented on sonapath's review
True .. this school typifies the hype that surrounds Bangalore .. most of the systems which look good on paper, don't work in reality ! Academic monitoring is very poor .. most of the staff seem poorly trained for their roles !!
Rated on pihu2008's review
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